Gold -- Sharefin, 06:09:27 08/07/02 Wed interesting comment (from Reuters) by a trader on today's gold action: NEW YORK, Aug 5 (Reuters) - COMEX gold was higher early Monday after CFTC data on Friday showed longs had cleared the decks for more buying in last week's wipeout and Newmont Mining indicated it would step up its hedge buyback program........... The Commitments of Traders report released after the close on Friday showed the net fund long position at COMEX fell to a mere 385 gold contracts as of Tuesday from 26,238 lots a week earlier..... Also supportive on Monday was the remark by Newmont President Pierre Lassonde that the world's biggest mining company was looking for ways to accelerate the unraveling of millions of ounces of gold hedges assumed in the takeover of Australia's Normandy Mining this year. The company has already eliminated two million ounces of a total of 10 million ounces inherited from Normandy and has vowed to rid itself of all positions as soon as possible. "That's going to put a floor at $300 now -- that, and the Commitments of Traders," said a bullion dealer. "We were trying to push it lower and now it's not going to see the follow-through they expected." Gold -- Sharefin, 06:08:07 08/07/02 Wed Gold Outlook Lures Dealers Back To Australian Conference The dealers are back. That's the buzz at the three-day 10th Diggers and Dealers conference here, an annual get-together in one of Australia's biggest gold mining towns. Robert Champion de Crespigny, former chief executive officer of Australia's Normandy Mining Ltd. (A.NDY), which was swallowed up by Newmont this February in a A$4.5 billion takeover, agreed. No Better Time In Gold Indus Than Now "You couldn't get a better time" in the gold market, he told reporters here Wednesday. "The basic fundamentals that I've always talked about are getting so close to being right at the moment," he said. He was here to receive the "Dealer of the Year" award, in recognition of his ability to generate competitive tension in the takeover for Normandy, thereby resulting in "spectacular shareholder value enhancements," the conference organizers said. ![]() Gold Up On Speculator Buys, Eyes Stocks Spot gold in London had pushed higher at the fix Wednesday morning on light speculator buying during Asian trade despite a strong rebound for the U.S. stock market and dollar. Australian and Japanese-based buying was said to have accounted for the rally, which helped the market hit an intraday high of $309.55 a troy ounce, just below resistance at $310/oz. "People don't seem to know which way to play the market at the moment with so many conflicting signals around," said a London-based dealer. "(Gold) prices have slipped over the last few weeks while we saw the equities tumble so it's hard to say how much pressure we will come under if the economy manages to bounce now." Gold -- Sharefin, 06:00:54 08/07/02 Wed AngloGold warns about gold price AngloGold Limited said on Wednesday suggestions that gold prices would trade higher were "over-optimistic". AngloGold executive officer Steve Lenahan said there was little evidence to support some forecasts of a rising bullion market. "We are cautious about planning our business on a price that is substantially higher than the current spot (price)," Lenahan said at the Diggers and Dealers mining conference. The warning follows a move by AngloGold to cut 4.1 million ounces from its hedge book in the half-year to June 30 to gain more exposure to bullion market prices. A need to hedge gold was a lynchpin of AngloGold's failed bid last year to acquire Australia's Normandy Mining. Normandy was acquired by US-based Newmont Mining Corporation, vowing to unwind some 10 million ounces worth of hedges. Newmont president Pierre Lassonde earlier this week sounded a more optimistic tone for bullion, predicting the metal would trade as high as $350 an ounce this year if the US dollar weakens. Australia's AurionGold Limited plans to reduce its gold hedges to below 50% of reserves from around 60%. The current level of hedges held by AurionGold, the subject of a hostile takeover bid by Canada's Placer Dome Inclusion, is around 4.7 million ounces. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:58:01 08/07/02 Wed Placer jumps to 21 per cent of Aurion CEO and managing director of takeover target AurionGold [ASX:AOR], Terry Burgess, sent out mixed signals to the market today (Tuesday) at the annual Diggers & Dealers conference in Kalgoorlie. While confident AurionGold would remain an independently owned gold miner he also didn't write off possible future merger or acquisition activity. However, in a late development tonight Placer Dome [NYSE:PDG] advised the ASX it had received a further 10 per cent acceptances for its unsolicited bid, lifting its equity in AurionGold to 21 per cent. Burgess echoed the buoyant sentiments of gold bull Pierre Lassonde, tipping gold was in the midst of an upwards surge. "The US dollar is overvalued and there's going to be more pain in US equities," he said, pointing to favourable indicators for the gold price. Further, the unwinding of producers' hedged positions was having a positive effect on the gold market, both in terms of fundamentals and perception, according to Burgess. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:54:43 08/07/02 Wed Gold up $6 - watch gold/silver live around the globe Fiat -- Sharefin, 05:47:35 08/07/02 Wed BUSH'S ADMINISTRATION MIGHT DROP THE DOLLAR RATE The good and bad of weak $$$ ![]() Economic experts believe that the American administration is not really interested in a strong US dollar. There is even indirect evidence to prove that. Bush's administration is probably going to repeat the scheme, which was used 25 years ago. Washington ProFile news agency reminded that it was the time of the so-called Reagan's weak dollar. The USA gained the support from industrially developed countries of the Group of Five (G-8 nowadays) in September of 1985. The states started the process of cheapening US dollar vs. major currencies of the world. Dollar lost 50% of its value within the period of two years in comparison with the price of German DM and Japanese yen. This simultaneously resulted in the growth of the American export - it gained 22.2%. President Bush is likely afraid to repeat his father's mistakes and to lose political scores and even the White House, maybe. That is why he is likely to use several elements of “Reagan's economy,” but Bush is supposed to take into account the wishes from USA's partners. The reduction of dollar is very bad for Japan - its balance of trade will considerably drop, and the process of the extrication from the economic crisis will slow down. Taiwan has the same problem. The countries of the European Union actually win from the growth of the euro rate. However, a strong euro is capable of hampering the economic growth in those countries: expensive European goods will lose their competition on the international market. That is why China, South Korea and several other countries are working on the dollar replenishment of their gold and value reserves. The central banks of a lot of countries of the world are maintaining the high dollar rate on their home markets. The reduction of dollar is not good for the countries, whose currencies are not struggling with dollar, euro and yen for the title of the most popular currency of the world. Their balance of trade with the USA and with each other will change, since the considerable part of commercial transactions is performed with the use of dollars. The growth of the rates of national currencies vs. dollar is absolutely not good for the majority of the states, because it will cause damage to their balance of trade, and increase the volume of the foreign debt. The countries, which export oil and other energy carriers, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, might experience trouble as well. “Reagan's dollar” did not last long, though. In 1987 the countries of the Group of Six agreed to decrease the speed of reduction of the American currency. This decision was not profitable for the US export - this index dropped six times in six years. Dollar gained 28% vs. 34 major world currencies in the 1990s. A strong dollar played a positive role for the USA too: the American export was getting more expensive, import was getting cheaper, the USA was keeping the acceptable foreign trade balance. Furthermore, the cheap import allowed the USA to successfully struggle with inflation rate. Economists argue, if the current reduction of US dollar is good for America or not. Some experts believe that the reduction of dollar will not show any considerable influence on credit rates and therefore, on the state of things on the labor market. The inflation rate in the USA is under the strict control, the interest rates are on the lowest level over 40 years. Now the American economy is stronger than the economies of the European Union and Japan. That is why the reduction of dollar rate will only play a positive role, activating the American export and providing three percent of the economic growth. This is what experts believe. A weak dollar will give an incentive to foreign investors to buy cheaper shares and other assets of American companies. There is also the opposition opinion on the matter. Some financial analysts think that a weak American dollar was jeopardizing the American economy. If US dollar gets weaker, then foreign investors get rid of the stocks of American companies, thinking that it is the vestige of economic weakness, which will result in the economic setback of the whole world. American consumers provide about a quarter of the world sales. If they get poorer, and if import goods get more expensive, then European and Asian exports will have severe problems. The American stock market is the largest in the world, and its problems will automatically result in the problems of other stock markets of the world. GATA & Gold -- Sharefin, 17:11:27 08/06/02 Tue Leaked Gold Report Reveals Trouble Ahead. . “CONSPIRACY THEORY” GAINS NEW CREDIBILITY You didn't hear about this on the national news, CNBC, or in your local newspaper. After all, most of these controlled/scripted sources of “news” are still trying to keep us all believing that all is well with the world, even as the stock market and economy show new cracks. For all its obvious faults, “the system”-i.e, the fractional reserve monetary system administered by the Federal Reserve-is still sound, according to these pundits. Thus, and in spite of the rally in gold and gold stocks in 2002, the press will usually go out of its way to dismiss gold as either a viable investment alternative or as having any relevance to today's financial and monetary structure. With this mindset, our press saw fit NOT to cover a news story that broke recently which should have made the front pages of at least every financial publication. It's a story that has much more to do with the financial markets generally than one merely of interest to “gold bugs.” And it's one which-if the warnings inherent in it ever come to pass-could lead to the insolvency of a number of major institutions, and devastate global financial markets From time to time in my newsletter The National Investor (, I have commented on the ongoing efforts of GATA (the Gold Antitrust Action to bring to the light of day their contention that gold prices have been artificially controlled by a cabal which includes our own Federal Reserve. In short, GATA has assembled considerable evidence that various financial institutions have made a bundle of money in recent years by betting on the decline in the gold price. This was done in a variety of ways; “short sales” of borrowed gold from central banks, hedging on the part of some major mining companies and the creation of complex derivative transactions among them (to understand the intricacies of this, I suggest you visit the above-referenced web sites.) Until recently, these bets paid off handsomely, as gold went from over $400 per ounce in January, 1996 to lows around $250 per ounce more recently. The trouble now is that, with gold prices having bottomed and now starting to rise, many of these same institutions face potential disaster. It has been reported, for example, that the banking powerhouse J.P. Morgan, Chase and Company has over $40 billion of exposure to gold-related derivative contracts; these instruments could destroy Morgan's overall financial health in the event the gold price were to spike considerably higher. Thus, to protect Morgan and certain other financial houses in the same boat to one extent or another, it has been claimed that the world's central banks-led by the Fed-are now conspiring to keep the gold price from rising too much. Further, the way this effort is being conducted has opened up the entire financial system to a potential meltdown if the bankers fail in their suppression efforts. Though GATA's claims, if true (and I believe they are in this regard) paint the picture of impending danger for the financial markets equal to or greater than anything currently in the Establishment news, they have none the less received short shrift. For the most part, the group and its adherents are dismissed as “wackos” and “conspiracy theorists” who are simply trying to come up with excuses for the lousy investment performance of gold throughout much of the last two decades. Meanwhile, a financial time bomb with possible ramifications extending well beyond the gold market itself continues to tick. However, the recent publication of a March, 2002 report obtained by GATA has given significant new credibility to the group's claims. It has also made some people in the financial world extremely nervous. It seems that well-regarded mutual fund manager John Embry of Royal Bank of Canada authored a report on the gold market for his peers at the bank early this Spring. In it, he offered his viewpoint that--among other things--there has indeed been a “conspiracy” to suppress the gold price, the suppression has been engineered chiefly by the U.S. Federal Reserve, and that the Fed is scared to death that it could lose control and have tens of billions of dollars worth of gold-related derivatives to clean up one day. Somehow, this report made its way outside the four walls of RBC, and ended up in the hands of Bill Murphy at GATA. Needless to say, Murphy has spread Embry's report far and wide. I would too, if I were him; after all, Embry is one of the most highly regarded money managers in North America. His firm is not some local coin shop where local militia members come to talk conspiracy over coffee all day long, nor is it the publisher of one of the many sales-oriented newsletters that hawk gold come Hell or high water. It is one of the biggest financial companies in Canada. For their part, embarrassed (and quite angry) Royal Bank officials were quick to claim that Embry's report does not represent the bank's views. Instead, this was a report meant for other managers and big shots at RBC, and was not intended for public consumption, they say. Bottom line, the bank is hopping mad that, of all the people who got their hands on this, it was Bill Murphy. (NOTE: Murphy claims that this report also went to some of the “biggest and best” clients of the bank, one of whom forwarded it to him.) Embry cannot be dismissed, however--and he is respected enough that this report is turning some heads as more people read it. As Matthew Ingram of Toronto's Globe and Mail put it in one article on this crazy story, getting such a well-regarded money manager from a major bank to essentially agree with what GATA has been saying for a few years now is, “. . .a bit like the U.S. government admitting that yes, there was a top-level CIA plot to assassinate former president John F. Kennedy, and the whole lone-gunman theory was just a crock.” Gold -- Sharefin, 06:18:09 08/06/02 Tue When will Gold really move? The correlation between CRB and Gold is not new to me, but it suggests/ reminds me about an interesting point, often forgotten, when Gold is regularly hyped by war and financial instability. The rise in Gold (the tide) is most likely to come in tandem with CPI inflation (the rate of change) and the other important commodities inside CRB - when the real action starts. In the mean time you get these spasms, like in October 19-20, 1987 up 20 dollars one day and down 20 the next, just to make gold bugs feel like horny pigs, not achieving orgasm. The same must have been the case recently. From time to time some of CRBs components do spike, but very rarely do we see a broad based rise in commodity prices, as we indeed experienced in the 70ties, ending early 80ties as the time Federal Reserve Banker Paul Volker hiked interest rates aggressively. Was that a cause or did he act according to a "hidden scheme" or the Cycle? To produce commodities is most of time worse then producing any other generic goods. You are pressured like a lemon, except once in a while, and it seldom last, its the short sellers (with good nerves) dream. For Gold, commodities and CPI inflation (the rate of change), there is an established and eminent study, done by the well known Russian economist Kondratieff: It suggests that inflation peaks in: 1980+56=2036. Last time gold start to move in 1968 (12 year in advance of the peak), the Bretton Wood and gold standard agreements were wrecked officially a few years later. Within January 21st 1980 Gold was up more then 20 times (silver even more) on an irrational emotional wave, which learned economists tried to explain to us with oil shock, war and inflation of course. My point is that the latter and Gold is the same wave, a flight to hard assets, back to basics. Until such time the public will support paper, how ironic it seems. If you are skiing in the mountains, you are safe as long it is not "the season for avalanches." The public is a strange creature, for years they can support an illusion, even having strong suspicions, just to throw it out in no time. This is a very interesting subject, and the only thing I can say: observe human behavior, do not listen to theories, my own included. Fiat -- Sharefin, 04:18:16 08/06/02 Tue Stocks to pay price for 'snap-backs' Sharp rallies now point to intense selling later Desmond on Monday said the stock market ultimately will pay the price for investors' refusal to descend into bouts of furious selling. "Our 70-year history shows that 90 percent up days that are not preceded by 90 percent down days usually turn out to be upside blow-offs that are quickly followed by new lows," Desmond said. His NYSE-based study earlier this year showed the bear-market washout - a classic capitulation by every investor and their mother-in-law - comes after a series of these 90-90 down days, followed inevitably by furious buying. Desmond, using Lowry's Reports internal measures of supply and demand, says the one-day rally staged a week ago, "was accompanied by a significant increase in downside volume, showing that sellers were aggressively dumping stocks into the rally." Fiat -- Sharefin, 04:10:14 08/06/02 Tue Pot calls kettle black - Washington accounting scandals worse than Wall Street? Have our politicians in Washington no shame? Given the shenanigans they employ to manipulate the federal budget, they should be among the last to criticize corporate America's accounting methods. Perhaps our elected representatives are hoping that if they divert our attention to how corporations are cooking their books, we might not notice what a mess they've made of the federal government's books. According to Bill Frenzel, who himself served in Congress between 1971 and 1991 and who now is a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution, one of the only differences between the accounting methods used by some corporations and the Federal government is that criminal sanctions do not apply in the latter case. This situation has led a number of investment newsletter editors to throw up their hands in disgust. Tongue firmly in cheek, Harding muses: "I'd hate to think it's the same kind of self-serving on the part of Washington that Wall Street firms and corporations have been guilty of, trying to make investors (and voters) think that everything is better than it actually is." Harding concludes: "Rather than dragging more CEOs off to jail right now for previous problems, Washington might do investors a bigger favor by investigating why the government itself is misleading investors with incorrect information." Gold -- Sharefin, 01:56:07 08/06/02 Tue Aurion Gold aims to lower hedge book Australia's AurionGold Ltd said on Tuesday it plans to reduce its gold hedges to below 50 percent of reserves from around 60 percent to gain more exposure to spot bullion prices. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:48:14 08/06/02 Tue Announcement of New Chief Executive Should Presage Fireworks At The World Gold Council. Pierre Lassonde then went on to flesh out this contention about the falling dollar, weak equity markets and the rising gold price with examples from the 1930s. He ended by giving his Australian audience - I am an Australian, therefore I hedge - a lecture on what he described as the “bane of this industry for the last 10 years.” He reckons it is now a fad of the past which is just as well as he had calculated that every 100 tonnes of gold hedged reduces the bullion price by US$5/oz. On this basis the elimination of between 300 and 400 tonnes of hedging expected this year should boost the gold price by nearly US$20 million. He then pre-empted his friend Chris Thompson by announcing that Newmont is working with the new boss of the WGC to produce a new gold instrument which would take anything from 500 to 1000 tonnes of gold off the market each year. Thompson is actually visiting London this week and may well have been planning to combine a comment on this with the announcement of his new CEO who will be someone very well known, but from outside the gold industry. The fact that Lassonde and Thompson are working together on this certainly means that some fireworks can be expected at the World Gold Council in the next few months. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:42:15 08/06/02 Tue Gold imports dipped 9 per cent in '01-'02 Contrary to the general impression, gold imports have declined by 9 per cent in 2001-02 compared to 2000-01, even as importers have shifted to markets in East Asia and West Asia for sourcing the precious metal. According to numbers available with the ministry of finance and company affairs, gold imports in 2001-02 stood at 488.863 tonnes, compared to 539.157 tonnes in 2000-01. Finance minister Jaswant Singh had recently told Parliament that India was the largest importer of gold, which blocks a lot of funds, which could instead go into productive savings. The gold imported through the baggage route at the international airports of Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore has also seen a similar dip of 37 per cent. Gold imported through the baggage route in 2001-02 was 22.92 tonnes compared to 36.12 tonnes in 2000-01. There has been a drop in imports from both Switzerland and the UK, from where India imports the largest quantity. It has gone down by 12.23 per cent for Switzerland at 283.9 tonnes in 2001-02 compared to 323.47 tonnes in 2000-01. Imports from the UK have also gone down by 65 per cent to 31.980 tonnes. In terms of a country-wise break up, the largest rise in imports is from Australia, which has soared by 1150.8 per cent in 2001-02. Current imports from the country stood at 13.134 tonnes in comparison with just 1.050 tonnes in 2000-01. This was followed by Malaysia, the UAE and South Africa. However, for 2001-02 imports from Singapore were bloated by a consignment of 22.6 tonnes brought in by a Chennai-based jeweller who subsequently re-exported the stuff. Imports from Malaysia in 2001-02 stood at 3.063 tonnes, which is 2.3 tonnes more than 2000-01. Imports from South Africa were up by 13.9 per cent at 126.512 tonnes, while imports from the UAE were up by 302.8 per cent at 18.170 tonnes in 2001-02. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:41:10 08/06/02 Tue Organic growth to lift gold firm's output 16% South African gold company Harmony - which has a reputation for acquiring and turning around mining assets - is now in a strong organic growth phase with several capital projects under way and a number of others under consideration. Following numerous acquisitions since 1997, the company has grown from its small marginal base in the Free State to become the third-largest producer of gold in South Africa, with some of the best margins in the business. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:38:26 08/06/02 Tue Newmont plans to accelerate unraveling Normandy hedge-book In the news, world number one miner Newmont that said it would look at ways to accelerate its unraveling of the hedge positions it inherited with the takeover of Australia's Normandy Mining. Inherited with the takeover in February, the mining house has already extinguished some two million ounces of a total 10 million ounces but has vowed to rid itself of the entire positions as soon as possible. Newmont forecast gold production of over seven million ounces this year. The firm has criticized hedging as hurting the gold price by erecting a false ceiling on upward price movements. However, some firms defend hedging as a way to protect margins when bullion prices fall. Normandy's multi-year hedges stood at around 7.3 million ounces at the end of the first quarter, down from 9.5 million ounces in February. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:36:57 08/06/02 Tue AurionGold Echoes Newmont's View On Gold Price AurionGold Ltd. (A.AOR), Australia's largest listed gold mining company, said Tuesday it agreed with Newmont Mining Corp.'s (NEM) views that gold is in a bull market. "I think that we are in an upward surge for gold...I do echo Pierre Lassonde's comments," Terry Burgess, AurionGold's chief executive officer, told reporters. He was referring to Lassonde, president of Denver-based Newmont, who said Monday that gold is in a fundamental bull market. Lassonde said gold could rise to US$350 a troy ounce in the next 18 to 24 months. Burgess also concurred with Lassonde's view that the U.S. dollar is set to weaken further, in turn boosting gold. As well, gold will benefit from further pain in the U.S. equity markets as investors seek out safe-haven assets. "There's still going to be some pain in the U.S. equity market," Burgess said. Burgess, who previously declined to comment on the gold price, said he changed his stance after being asked repeatedly by investors to talk on the subject during a recent roadshow to Singapore and Hong Kong. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:33:09 08/06/02 Tue Ian Cockerill: MD, Gold Fields Limited Ian Cockerill's here. No sordid secrets at Gold Fields Limited. You're the new chief executive. You've only been in the hot seat for a month, and now you come out with stunning results like this Ian. Hopefully you can keep it rolling well into the future. Good numbers today from Gold Fields Limited. But let's just pick up on something I mentioned to David before you came into the studio. With all of these wonderful figures, operating profit up 160%, headline earnings nearly 300% higher, a record dividend, you still describe the highlight of the year, without doubt, as being Nelson Mandela ringing the bell at your listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:28:54 08/06/02 Tue AngloGold Goes to Patagonia as Pickings Get Slimmer After more than $9 billion of takeovers in the world gold mining industry in the past year, AngloGold Ltd. Chief Executive Bobby Godsell -- like his rivals -- is running out of acquisition targets. Almost half of the 36 companies in BNP Paribas's index of the biggest gold companies in 2000 have been swallowed up in takeovers. That's forcing producers like AngloGold to buy small mines like Cerro Vanguardia in Patagonia, Argentina, rather than organize corporate takeovers in Toronto and Johannesburg. AngloGold and rivals such as Newmont Mining Corp., the largest gold miner, and Barrick Gold Corp. may also start swapping mine stakes to cut costs and boost output after a 10 percent rise in the price of gold this year. ``There are very few corporate plays left of any size,'' said Peter Bacchus, head of mining, metals & steel at Salomon Smith Barney in Sydney. There may be several transactions that put together operations that really belong together, he said. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:23:04 08/06/02 Tue Harmony Gold - Well-Positioned For New Mining Bill Commenting on the South African government's Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Bill, and news that local black economic empowerment groups could hold as much as 51% equity in all new mining projects, and up to 30% of expansion of existing mining operations, Harmony Chief Executive Bernard Swanepoel said: "Although there could be a costs involved in complying with the new legislation, the company feels that it is well positioned for the new era in South African mining." South Africa's parliament passed the Mineral Bill June 26, paving the way for all minerals rights to be vested with the state as part of a 'use-it-or-lose-it' policy. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:20:27 08/06/02 Tue Gold market turns jittery on Jaswant's statement WILL the Government hike customs duty on gold in order to discourage large imports or will it resort to the extreme measure of banning gold imports altogether? With his statement in the Rajya Sabha on the opening day of monsoon session of Parliament a few days ago, the new Finance Minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, has managed to kick off, both within the country and outside, intense speculation about Government's attitude to the yellow metal. The unease in the market has followed Mr Singh's pronouncement that India's huge gold imports were a large unproductive investment and that there was need to move away from savings in gold to other productive avenues. Some observers believe the Finance Minister wants to bring out idle gold into the productive system; but he has not stated that clearly. Previous attempts to mop up gold with people have not met with success because of faulty design of the scheme- either inadequate returns or administrative hardship or both. Also, there is good deal of reluctance on the part of people to part with gold - a prized possession- which actually reflects their thoughts about the credibility and ability of the Government to fulfil its promise. Gold -- Sharefin, 08:47:10 08/05/02 Mon Newmont Forecasts Gold Price at $350 Within Two Years Newmont Mining Corp., the world's biggest gold producer, said the price of gold is likely to rise to $350 an ounce in the next 18 to 24 months because of a lower U.S. dollar and falling gold production. ``We are only at the very beginning of a gold bull market,'' Newmont President Pierre Lassonde told the Diggers & Dealers gold conference in Kalgoorlie, Australia. ``I'm fairly confident that we will see $350 within the next 18 to 24 months, and we could see much higher prices'' if there is any political and economic uncertainty in the U.S. In 1985, the dollar fell 33 percent and gold rose 66 percent, Lassonde said. ``Would I expect the same kind of reaction today? Absolutely,'' he said. ``The dollar is going to come down. Gold is always the anti-dollar.'' Gold -- Sharefin, 08:17:01 08/05/02 Mon Canada's Barrick: Still Well-Poised For More Acquisitions Canada's Barrick Gold Corp . said Monday that it is still well-poised for more acquisitions, despite the US$ 2.4 billion merger with Homestake Mining last year. "We've had very smooth integration with Homestake," so "if the right opportunity presents itself, we are certainly prepared to act," said, Barrick's senior vice president of exploration. However, Davidson declined to comment specifically on what assets Barrick, currently the world's second-largest gold miner, are looking at. There have been recent reports that Barrick has looked at Australia's AurionGold Ltd and is contemplating taking over Canada's Placer Dome, which is in a hostile takeover bid for AurionGold . Fiat -- Sharefin, 04:30:07 08/05/02 Mon Pimco Bonds - Investment Outlook - William Gross PIMCO of course does not wear virgin white in the active management arena. We have our structural tilts centered around the sale of volatility and the near perpetual positive shape of the yield curve between 30 days and 12 months. We also make mistakes - witness our premature entry into energy and telecom bonds in order to cyclically increase our corporate debt exposure. But we at least have the common sense to recognize a long-term sucker's bet when we see one. Warren Buffett, or perhaps his sidekick Charlie Munger, is fond of saying that if you look around the poker table and you can't identify the fish, then you be the fish. Managers using corporate tilts may have thought they were the skippers of their own ocean-faring tuna boats, but as it turns out, they had gills and are now sucking for oxygen in a local trout farm located in a city near you. They be the fish. Last week, the corporate bond market pond was nearly frozen solid. It has thawed somewhat in recent days, but there's still ice visible on the surface. Take a look at the charts below as an indication of the lockup and lockout of risk capital in recent months. Corporate bond bid-ask spreads are as wide as I've seen them in years and much of the universe is quoted on a "dollar" instead of a "yield" basis, which means that these bonds are being treated as equity instead of debt. When a corporate bond is quoted 52-55, as many are these days, it's tantamount to acknowledging that they are being viewed on a liquidation (i.e. near default) basis. How did we get to this point and are things really this bad? The "darkest before dawn" analogy suggests "probably not" to the latter question. And the former query was answered substantially in last month's Outlook: The heightened suspicion of corporate dirty tricks, the near crashing stock market, the ENRON and WORLDCOM experiences with bonds plummeting from par to 10 cents on the dollar in less than a year's time - these are the triggers which cyclically (on a short-term basis) reduce markets to extremely oversold prices. We are at that point now in this near frozen corporate pond. From the depths of winter will spring surely follow. That is why PIMCO entered the telecom arena just a few short months ago. Unfortunately, what we thought was December was just a temporary freeze in the midst of fall. Mistake. Still, while many of our corporate bond holdings (and those of other Big Seven managers) will undoubtedly do well in future weeks and months, the dominant determinants of corporate bond underperfomance will be with us for the next few years at a minimum. The rapidity of technological change - a Moore's Law of corporate bonds if you will - is one primary reason. Too many future losers seemingly doubling every 18 months with the remaining winners paying off at a maximum of par. Didn't used to be that way, pre-New Age Economy, but it is now and corporate spreads have to widen out to compensate. The second reason is the metamorphosis of the banks discussed in last month's Outlook. While the press tended to focus on my comments on hedge fund behavior (as did I), undoubtedly the most important market influence in addition to technological change has been the transition of banks from risk takers in the short-term corporate lending arena to risk avoiders - sloughing off their loans via syndications and hedging potential bankruptcies via purchases of default insurance in the (until recently) vibrant credit default market. The bank's retreat from the corporate lending arena has left a void that will take time and higher yields to fill. One day corporates will become a decent long-term bet despite their structural negatives but we'll need higher yields before that day arrives. When it does, PIMCO will be back in the water, hopefully reincarnated as a shark and not a trout. If PIMCO's belief that (1) technological change and (2) the reversal in bank lending attitudes are key to the pricing of the corporate debt market over the next several years, it remains unclear where appropriate spreads to Treasuries should eventually rest. While many corporate bonds are trading (if at all) by dollar sign as opposed to yield, suggesting the potential for huge gains or huge losses, there is no J.P. Morgan of the 21st century willing to step up to the plate and "save" the market. Some would suggest Greenspan is that man. The Fed's staff has for instance in the past year or so done academic studies on the potential for the Fed to buy either corporate bonds or stocks in an emergency situation. Preliminary indications seem to indicate that they believe the Fed can do anything it is not specifically prohibited to do, and therefore the support of corporate bonds would be fair game. Our "close to the Fed" sources, however, suggest that while Greenspan might have the authority to act, he is in no way disposed to. WE understand that he is well pleased with the off-loading of credit risk from the banks to the Big Seven and insurance companies alike. To his mind, the moving of risk from a levered sector (the banks) to an unlevered sector (investment managers and insurance companies) is just what the doctor ordered to stabilize the economy in an emergency environment. Perhaps. But let me alert you, Mr. Greenspan. The corporate market at the moment is close to full tilt, half frozen, trading on price - not yield. While you perhaps contently rest on the historical laurels of near 0 percent real Fed funds, its stimulation to the housing market, and your hopes for an eventual robust recovery, the cost of capital for corporations is nowhere near 13/4 percent or even that 6 percent level available to first time borrowers in the mortgage market. The cost of capital for Baa and lower corporations is in double digits. Aa and A companies can barely come to market. You sir, have a problem. If the cost of corporate capital skyrockets, the markets move the other way, and then of course, the economy follows. And oh, for sceptics who will claim that this is an attempt to get the Fed to bail PIMCO out of its lousy corporate positions - forget it. I like my Sprint bonds even though I bought them at 95 cents on the dollar instead of the current level of 60. Anyway, despite my assertions that Fed staff have researched the possibility, I do not believe they will or even should do so. We're corporate light, even though in this case one Lite beer is one too many. We have only benefited from the naiveté of the "corporate tilters" that went too far. We're in the catbird's seat such as it is or better yet the Captain's chair on that tuna boat sailing on the high seas. It's just fair warning that with a tilting corporate bond market, the economy itself may not be far behind. Let's just hope the pinball analogy doesn't apply to the economy itself and that we soon aren't forced to declare "Game Over." Greenspan's almost out of quarters. Lenny's Corner -- Sharefin, 00:46:35 08/05/02 Mon GENERAL COMMENTS: Last week may have seen the end of the most vicious decline in price for silver and gold in almost 10 years. Previously, the prices of both were rallying nicely, with the speculative and investment communities supporting the upward trends in prices. And suddenly on July 23rd, the debacle began, only to be continued into last week. There are many theories and thoughts as to how and why the gold and silver markets became so aberrant. Let me give you the one that I believe has the most credence, which is not to say to that other factors may have been highly contributory. As in all good stories, as in all good mysteries, there are usually unseen and unknown co-conspirators. Historically, over the past several months, it has been only the buying by speculative and investment interests that moved the gold market higher. Please note that such buying and accumulation was extremely sound, being based upon a multitude of bullish factors such as a falling USD, a falling US equity market, the inherent bullish fundamentals of the gold market, less hedging by producers, etc...and a host of other bullish factors. But, it was investment alone that moved the prices higher, rather than underlying industrial/commercial demand, which was extremely poor, as demonstrated by the fact that in the past and current rally, gold lease rates barely budged off rock-bottom levels of less than 1/2 of 1% for a 30 day tenor. Over the past 6 months, the large commodity hedge funds and most speculators were totally committed to their long positions, and all attempts to dislodge them were massive failures. Naturally, I, and other analysts, expected such trends to continue, as there seemed no trigger imminent that may force a change of opinion among the buyers. Ahhh....but I, and many others were wrong. The one thing about trading that I find so incredibly appealing is that as soon as you know the rules, they change them. As volatilities exploded in all the markets, from the wildly swinging 600, 700, 800 point days in the DJIA, to the sharp moves in the currency markets, and even to the uncharacteristically heady movements in the grains, the black boxes (the technically derived computer systems) that run a goodly percentage of all of the large and larger commodity hedge funds, issued a sell on all positions for the express purpose of reducing risk and limiting financial exposure. Any market that had significant investment of speculative interest saw massive amounts of selling, from copper to coffee to Euros to gold. The selling was indiscriminate and weighty. And to quote the scripture, selling begat more selling begat more selling and the gold and silver collapsed. For no other reason than that mentioned above. And without the support of the industrial and commercial interests, gold prices fell to the levels where such industrial interest would be rekindled. In a truly spectacular justification of technical analysis, silver and gold prices both fell almost precisely to their 200 day moving average early last week, and then managed a bit of a rally. Gold is now $11 off its intra-day lows and silver about 6 cents off the lows. I look for gold and silver to now grind higher, in a return to the upward trend and a reversion back to the mean. I strongly believe that the worst is over for the bulls. Fiat vs Gold -- Sharefin, 00:41:53 08/05/02 Mon JP Morgan Fails to Report $45 Billion in Gold Derivatives to the SEC The following three current documents indicate that JP Morgan Chase has reported to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency $45,234 Million in total gold derivatives as assets under the control and use of JP Morgan Chase however they have not accounted for these gold derivative assets in either their SEC form 10Q March, 31, 2002 or their 2001 Annual Report. This finding implies that JPM shareholders have far greater risk than previously disclosed by the company. Periodic Ponzi Update PPU -- $hifty, 19:28:12 08/04/02 Sun Periodic Ponzi Update PPU Nasdaq 1,247.92 + Dow 8,313.13 = 9,561.05 divide by 2 = 4,780.52 Ponzi Up 17.27 from last week. Should be another interesting week! Thanks for the link RossL. Be ready to excavate that chart ! Go GATA Go Gold $hifty ![]() Fiat -- Sharefin, 19:02:46 08/04/02 Sun Market Stress Pressures Economy - Fed Severe stress in global markets has nerve-wracked investors fearful that one big shock could jam the gears of the financial system -- much like the crisis days of 1998. "People feel like gasoline has been dumped on the floor and it wouldn't take much to ignite it," said James Glassman, senior U.S. economist at J.P. Morgan Chase. Plunging stocks and multibillion dollar bankruptcies the past month have investors assessing the widespread damage to banks and insurers. If more scandals or failures come to light further straining capital markets, it could force central banks to jump to the rescue, pumping money into the system through lower interest rates. Fear is starting to hurt economies as well. The financial market squeeze in both the United States and Europe is depriving businesses of crucial capital and sharply increasing their cost of borrowing at a time when global growth, led by the $10 trillion U.S. economy, appears to be losing steam. "The Fed has to get concerned about the capital markets effectively tightening for the Fed at a time when it wants policy to remain accommodative," said Brad Stone, chief U.S. market strategist at Barclays Capital. "The Fed may need to lean against that. Some weeks ago that looked like a very low risk. Now it's definitely a real risk," he added. "The way the events are unfolding right now for the near term, dealing with these many financial constraints is going to impinge and impinge and impinge on economic activity," said prominent Wall Street economist Henry Kauffman, who has argued the Fed should cut interest rates. Swap spreads -- a measure of banking sector risk that signaled the systemic distress in 1998 -- popped out last week on the credit anxiety about J.P. Morgan before stabilizing. Investors are even raising risk premiums on assets usually considered very safe like mortgage-backed securities. With markets so stretched, harried traders are looking anxiously for the one trigger that could set off an explosion. Rattled markets showed their heightened state of anxiety on Friday when rumors of an emergency central bank meeting in Europe to help a failing bank or insurance company swept through trading desks, sparking selling of stocks and powering gains in safe-haven short-term Treasuries. Banking trouble fears hit a fever pitch on July 24 when rumors spread of liquidity problems at J.P. Morgan Chase -- the largest U.S. bank-- and Citigroup after congressional revelations of their dealings with failed energy trader Enron Corp. The impact across credit markets was harsh and swift. Europe has also seen its fair share of worries about the quality of its banks and insurance companies on the asset losses, providing fodder for the rumor mill. On July 25 Germany's second largest bank, HVB Group , posted a second-quarter loss and described business conditions as among the worst since World War II. The current pain in capital markets has yet to reach those extreme levels of distress, said J.P. Morgan's Glassman. But he said the market sees conditions as deteriorating to the point where a crisis could happen "at any moment." Gold -- Sharefin, 09:17:12 08/04/02 Sun Go for the gold! In these unsure times, everybody wants a bit of certainty - and that means good, old fashioned gold. But for how long will the high prices hold? Is it time to invest in the yellow metal or pull out? Rafiq Ahmed has the answers. In times of international uncertainties, investors turn to more tangible assets, such as real estate and precious metals. Gold possesses the distinctive characteristics of money: it serves as a medium of exchange, a store of wealth (long-- term savings) and a unit of value. Besides gold holdings, investors are lately showing preference for gold bars, gold coins, paper (metal certificates) and specialist funds (which invest exclusively in gold mining company shares), monitored by the FTSE Gold Mines Index. This index, which tracks gold equity markets in the Americas, Africa and Australasia, boasts market capitalisation of $50.63bn and has generated a 62% return in the year to June 2002. The gold price surged through the key resistance level of $320 a troy ounce (oz) in late May and touched $330/oz in Hong Kong in June before slipping back because of light profit-taking by investment funds. There have been seven short-lived rallies since February 1996 when gold hit $420oz. However, most analysts believe the market's upside potentials now have solid fundamentals. Kelvin Williams, marketing director of AngloGold, the world's largest gold producer, said: "Unlike other price rallies in recent years, where the gold price has tended to rise on the back of a single issue or incident, the current price improvement has been built on a number of favourable circumstances for gold." The positive factors underpinning gold's new-found lustre among institutional and private investors are: *A marked turnaround in investor sentiment largely because of geopolitical tensions, which if sustained over the coming months, can prove crucial in reviving the industry's fortunes. Chris Thompson, chief executive of Gold Fields, remarked: "People are feeling far less secure than previously. Gold has always been the investment that people reach for when they feel uncomfortable." *The substantial reductions in producer-- hedging, i.e. forward- selling on the gold derivative markets. This indicates limited downside risk for gold prices. Lately, there has been a marked change in producers' hedging strategies. Jonathan Best, AngloGold's financial director explained: "We've continued to manage our hedge book aggressively and we are taking out the weaker positions in the hedge book right now so that going forward, we don't have a long period when we will be receiving lower prices or incurring an opportunity loss." AngloGold has cut its hedging positions by about 105.74t during the past six months. Heavy hedge-book loses? According to Gold Fields' findings, hedge-book financial losses to producers could be heavy over the next few years if prices surge to between $330/oz and $345/oz. Macquarie Bank (Australia) estimates that total hedge-book of gold miners world-wide may drop by 400t in 2002. Therefore, the supply of bullion in the markets will become tighter because of declining producer-hedging and robust investment demand should buoy the price of gold. *Global mine production is expected to decline this year or next thanks to greater consolidation and rationalisation within the industry during the past two years. *The gold rally was also helped by the US dollar's weakness against a number of other major currencies. A softer greenback versus the euro and the yen, in fact, reduces gold prices in many other currencies, thereby making the precious metal more attractive to buyers in Asia-Pacific and Europe. The greenback and gold have a counter-cyclical relationship. If the dollar surges, bullion prices fall and vice versa. *Lower US money market rates are discouraging speculative short- selling of gold by international hedge funds. In times of rising US interest rates, it's profitable for hedge funds to borrow gold from the bullion banks, sell it and place the money in high-yielding cash- deposits and major OECD-country Treasury securities. *The lacklustre performances of stock markets in America and Western Europe have also had an impact on the price of gold. This in turn, reflects doubts about the health of global economic recovery and hence revival in corporate earnings. During the past year, gold investments have outperformed bonds and equities. The World Gold Council writes: "People buy gold when there is a stock market crash or things are unstable because gold tends to hold its value. Cash is eroded by inflation, but gold bullion tends to rise in value. It is usually seen as a hedge against inflation." Controlled bullion sales The September 1999 Washington Accord commits 20 of the world's leading central banks and international financial institutions (the Bank for International Settlements and the IMF together control 85% of the globe's bullion reserves), to hold gold as a reserve asset and to limit gold sales to 4001 per annum until September 2004. The signatories have also agreed not to increase their gold- leasing programmes and expand the use of gold futures and options during this period. The central banks are complying with the accord, thus eliminating the market's fear of an uncontrolled heavy official selling. Gold-producing countries in Africa and South America would of course welcome an extension of the Central Banks' Gold Agreement after 2004. Central banks world-wide hold more than 33,000t as part of their foreign currency reserves, equivalent to 13 years of current mine production. The five-main official holders of gold reserves are the US Federal Reserves Board (8,148t); Germany's Bundesbank (3,4560; Banque de France (3,025t); Banca d'Italia (2,45 10 and the Swiss National Bank (2,151t). Supply-deficit The demand for gold has continued to surpass the supply of newly- mined gold for many years. According to the latest report, "Gold Survey 2002," compiled by Londonbased Gold Fields Mineral Services (GFMS), world-wide mine production in 2001 totalled 2,604t, against aggregate gold usages in jewellery, fabricated products and investments of 3,483t. The jewellery sector accounts for 75% - 80% of gold offtake, especially in Asia and the Middle East. Despite sustained falls in gold output, South Africa still remains the world's largest producer (394t) last year. GFMS report shows that 80% of SA production comes from mines owned by AngloGold, Gold Fields and Harmony. Other major producers are America, Australia, Indonesia - which owns the world's biggest gold-mine, Grasberg (which produced 108t) - China, Russia and Canada. Last year's average spot price was $271/oz while total production costs averaged $228/oz. Future trends Some prime investment banks like UBS Warburg, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Barclays Capital are anticipating gold to average above $300/oz this year and between $320/oz-$340/oz in 2003. GFMS provides more cautious forecasts of between $285/oz and $315/oz over the next year. The yellow metal's 10-year moving average is $331 /oz. But stronger prices of $350/oz-$380/oz, though unlikely in the near-term, would trigger profit-taking and renewed producer-- hedging, thus weighing on the markets. Also, more marginal mines in South Africa and elsewhere will be brought back into production and increasing supplies should ultimately lead to lower prices. Gold -- Sharefin, 01:39:11 08/04/02 Sun Japan bank reform threatens expected gold rush A week ago it seemed so simple: Japan scraps full state protection of bank deposits, investors panic, bullion houses sell a lot of gold. That formula sent gold prices soaring in February as the first stage of a plan to end deposit guarantees prompted investors to pile money into traditional safe-haven assets. It was supposed to happen again as the fiscal year-end approaches next March, when the government is due to finish the job. But signs this week that Tokyo could be backtracking on bank reforms have put Japan's expected gold rush in question - and given bullion houses pause as they prepare sales campaigns reminiscent of last year's media blitz. Bob Chapman -- Sharefin, 01:16:11 08/04/02 Sun There is no question there will be more very bad news coming regarding JP Morgan Chase. They will be exposed as the worst fraudsters in Wall Street history. This involves not only Enron and a number of other companies in money laundering scams but also the rigging of the gold and silver markets. This firm is totally without morals or scruples. They are totally corrupt. We'd imagine the SEC and the New York Attorney General will really take them apart, particularly the Attorney General. This is only the very beginning of their nightmare, which hopefully will lead to their exposure and the end of the rigging of the gold and silver markets. Citicorp is equally bad off as their partner in crime, but they have considerably more capital. JP Morgan has a derivatives book 2-1/2 times as large as the US economy, that's why the US Treasury has to take over their positions. If they don't the 51% of total derivatives they have written will come crashing down and with them the world financial system. The US Treasury and the FED are conspirators with these banks. When JP Morgan goes the whole elitist structure crumbles and they all end up in jail or dead. When the public finds out what they have done they may well lynch them. Now you can understand why George W. Bush wants the police powers that he has requested from Congress. He can use them to suppress the people and protect his evil cohorts. JP Morgan Chase could only have been allowed to amass derivatives 42 times its assets while in collusion with government and the forces that control government and the FED. In fact, when they go down the financial system will grind to a halt. No banks, no cash, no credit cards, etc. Only gold and silver coins will spend and you best have extra food and water available and the proper equipment to defend yourself. This is not a pipedream. This is very real. JP Morgan and Citicorp have never been anything other than criminal enterprises going back over 100 years. They were bankrolled by the British Royal Family and have held sway over American business and government for over 100 years. These are the same people who have funded both sides of every war for the last 800 years. Meanwhile you load up with gold and silver stocks and take the wildest ride of your life. GOLD & SILVER POTPOURRI Most of you never having lived in Europe can't appreciate the European penchant for gold, especially gold held by their central banks. This desire was born out by the ECB being forced to include gold as 15% of its reserves. Wait until the Germans find out all their gold is gone. They'll probably find Gerhard Schroeder hanging from a light standard on Bahnhofstrasse. The US Treasury and the FED have played the Bundesbank for suckers. We believe that shortly the German people will find this out and their actions could force a total capitulation of the gold manipulation cartel. The Bundesbank's transgressions could be exposed soon internationally by GATA via the German press and TV and also in the US on C-Span. The noose is tightening and what better place to start than in Germany. This would be major campaign fodder for Edmund Stoiber. If any of our German subscribers know Mr. Stoiber, please put him in touch with LeMetropoleCafé. The manipulation of gold and silver prices and shares is so obvious that it astounds us. These conspirators don't care who knows what they are doing. That manifests their police state mentality. Reporters either don't report what is going on in the metals market because they are clueless, or they are told to shut up. The same goes for the brokerage business. Do you really think Barton Briggs wanted to run away with his tail between his legs? JP Morgan Chase and Citicorp shares were clobbered, and word is they and all the other banks and investment banks were pulling money out of Europe due to a liquidity crunch. The FED and other central banks are again secretly supporting the dollar. The Plunge Protection Team almost every day attempts to manipulate the Dow. They are in reality spreading the pain far and wide as they distort the inevitable. When you have government manipulating markets there are no professionals only insiders. Word reaches us from a deeply implanted mole that a major silver problem is brewing. Silver must be delivered quickly to avoid a major run on the metal. There is a major scandal that is ready to hit, which will send silver prices considerably higher. Antal Feteke & Gold -- Sharefin, 00:37:26 08/04/02 Sun GOLD-EAGLE UNIVERSITY SUMMER SEMESTER, 2002 Monetary Economics 101: The Real Bills Doctrine of Adam Smith Lecture 1: Ayn Rand's Hymn to Money Lecture 2: Don't Fix the Dollar Price of Gold Lecture 3: Credit Unions Lecture 4: The Two Sources of Credit Lecture 5: The Second Greatest Story Ever Told (Chapters 1 - 3) Lecture 6: The Invention of Discounting (Chapters 4 - 6) Lecture 7: The Mystery of the Discount Rate (Chapters 7 - 8) Lecture 8: Bills Drawn on the Goldsmith (Chapter 9) Lecture 9: Legal Tender. Bank Notes of Small Denomination Lecture 10: Revolution of Quality (Chapter 10) Lecture 11: Acceptance House (Chapter 11) Lecture 12: Borrowing Short to Lend Long (Chapter 12) Lecture 13: Illicit Interest Arbitrage FALL SEMESTER, 2002 Monetary Economics 201: Gold and Interest IN PREPARATION: COURSES TO BE OFFERED IN 2003 Monetary Economics 201: The Bill Market and the Formation of the Discount Rate Monetary Economics 202: The Bond Market and the Formation of the Interest Rate Thanks to GATA -- Sharefin, 00:18:29 08/04/02 Sun This one for the archives. -------- A tale of two precious metals: Lending emerges as new element in gold supply THE third-quarter update of Gold Demand Trends was presented in Johannesburg this week by George Milling-Stanley, manager of gold-market analysis for the World Gold Council (WGC). Milling-Stanley was not quite at a loss to explain why the fundamentally strong picture of gold demand was not translating into a higher gold price. A fourth component of gold supply - gold lending by central banks - is becoming the biggest player in the total equation. The other three, newly mined production, recycled gold and central-bank sales, are widely known and readily quantified but gold lending has taken off recently as central banks seek to increase the return available on their gold holdings. Milling-Stanley says this gold is only loaned and will need to be repaid as London good-delivery bars: central banks often call the gold back at the end of the year. The trouble is much of it has been manufactured into jewellery. Milling-Stanley hears only whispers of defaulters on these gold loans. "There is some nervousness in the gold market, some concern about the depth of the liquidity." He notes more than 3 000 tons and maybe even 10 000 tons have been borrowed and are owed back. "It will be very interesting to watch trends in gold-leasing rates. At the moment there is an inverted yield-curve where short-term leasing rates exceed long-term rates. This suggests big speculators in the markets. "I believe hedge-fund short sales are largely responsible for a substantial increase in the supply of gold to the market - gold that has been borrowed back from central banks and sold to finance these short positions. "This is what has been depressing the price so far in 1997. There is no doubt the large speculators are taking advantage of the market's fear of central bank sales to bully the gold price down and make huge profits." On central bank sales, Milling-Stanley notes more than a hint of hysteria. "It is completely the wrong idea to think there is wholesale dumping. There have been only three significant sales of gold by central banks in the past two years. This means that 177 countries still think it is a good idea to hold gold," Milling-Stanley says. The Russian finance ministry reported a sale of 31 tons of gold, proceeds of which were needed to pay state debt to the gold mining industry. Andy -- Sharefin, 00:03:46 08/04/02 Sun Weekday Commentary from Jim Puplava We may be heading for more problems next week that will take a healthy dose of intervention to avoid. There is now a full-scale banking crisis emerging globally with systemic risks everywhere that could be amplified by the leverage in the financial system from derivatives. With bankruptcies and junk bond defaults at record highs, there are huge counterparty risks that lie waiting to erupt. Someone somewhere is on the wrong side of these trades. The following is a sample of the systemic risks that are starting to emerge. Friday, Societe Generale, France's second largest bank, reported a 41% decline in second-quarter net income as a result of taking a $371 million hit for bad loans. The same day in London, Lloyds TSB said it has become the latest to be hurt by turmoil in the world financial markets. The bank said it was increasing its loan loss reserves by 50% to cover loans it made to Enron, WorldCom, and Argentina. There were rumors also circulating around that one of the nation's largest airlines is close to going under. Business Week intimated that UAL may file for bankruptcy this year. A spokesman for the airline declined to comment on the Business Week story. Still Watching The Banks With Brazil now on the ropes, the IMF is considering giving the country more time to repay its $11 billion in loan payments due next year. We now see bankruptcies rising, companies as well as countries defaulting on their debt, credit spreads widening, and one has to wonder, Who is next? There is too much debt and the growth in derivatives has only compounded this situation. Over the last few weeks, worries and concern has started to spread over the nation's top three banks and their exposure to derivatives. The current exposure exceeds J.P. Morgan Chase's net equity. Even as large as Citigroup is, their current exposure could cause severe problems for the banks, especially if systemic risks throughout the world's monetary system start to multiply as we are now starting to see unfold. In fact, given the extent of their derivative book and considering that they are in all of the wrong places, it is hard not to imagine that one of these three banks are headed for trouble, if not all three. The banks are supposed to have risk control measures in place. Yet with derivative books this large, it doesn't seem possible they can avoid the occurrence of future problems. In the case of JPM, their derivative book of $23.4 trillion and equity base of $40 billion is all that covers $51 billion in potential credit risk, not mentioning the $68.8 billion in derivative risk exposure. These three banks are in all of the wrong places -- corporate loans, loans to emerging markets, and counterparties to a Titanic-size derivative book. Add to this the fact that most of the derivative books of these major banks are of the OTC variety -- which means they are far riskier and less liquid -- it isn't too imaginative to envision more problems occurring. A lot of the derivative business is based on blind faith and assumptions. These are the assumptions that are built into the derivative risk models that provide the theoretical pricing for much of these complex instruments. Andy -- Sharefin, 23:59:00 08/03/02 Sat Here's the link to the CFTC responce I would guess that they've said the same to Ted but that Ted doesn't agree with their opinions. Neither do I...... You only need to look to the dominancy of the market makers to know that they can shift the prices when they choose to do so. I would hazard a guess that a similar letter could have been penned by Gov't Authorities re Enron, World Com, et al, just a few years ago. Time will tell the story & we only need wait and let the price show the truth. Say if JPM were to go down & the POS climbed 500% then you would have your answer. I would guess if you asked Alan Greenspan about the Economy that he would smile & say all is OK and a receovery is coming. Gov't bodies don't like to create an informed public. ![]() Interesting link (sorry you must cut and paste I dont know any other way. Why respond to Ted Butler's this way instead of a reply to him directly as in the past? Fiat -- Sharefin, 20:38:19 08/02/02 Fri Two Years Into the Worst Financial Crash in History We are now two years into the worst market crash in world history, with the major stock markets already down some 50% from their peaks in 2000. The markets are now back to their 1997-98 levels, but carrying half a decade's more debt, leverage, and speculation. In market terms, we have crossed the peak and are now headed down the back side of a very steep mountain. How far and how fast we fall, is largely a matter of actions taken, or not taken, on fundamental economic policy. As long as the Bush Administration and the Federal Reserve maintain their Hooveresque "the economy is fundamentally sound" stance, we can expect sharp plunges, punctuated by futile attempts to bail out fictitious and unsalvageable market values. A graphic example of how fast the markets can fall is the sharp plunge in the Dow from a high of 381 in September 1929, to the low 40s in June 1932, a fall of some 90% over two years. The Dow didn't break 100 points again until mid-1933, and did not rise above 300 points until early 1954. ~~~~ In the over-the-counter derivatives markets, it is relatively easy to keep giant derivatives disasters hidden, because no one knows unless the counterparties tell them. Other market participants and the regulators might find out in short order, but the public is rarely told, especially when the problem is serious. Still, actions taken in the wake of a crisis can provide tell-tale signs. In the case of the derivatives crisis of 1997, the tell-tale sign was the mid-1997 emergence of the so-called "Asian crisis," which was actually a currency-warfare attack on the Asian Tiger economies by Anglo-American financial interests. In typical form, the bankers were attempting to postpone their own bankruptcy by stealing from the Asians. This assault continued into 1998, targetting one Tiger after another, generating billions of dollars in loot and sending funds fleeing to the relative safety of the U.S. financial markets. The result can be seen in the rise of U.S. stock markets during the period. The game came to an abrupt halt in September 1998, when looting-target Russia caught the markets off-guard with a default on its GKO bonds and a devaluation of the ruble. The prospect of a sovereign default-the "debt bomb" policy advocated by LaRouche-sent the financial markets into panic, with investors fleeing speculative paper in favor of more secure U.S. and German government bonds. This, in turn, caused many derivatives speculators to hemorrhage money, with the markets moving in the opposite direction from their bets. Long-Term Capital Management, the giant Nobel Laureate hedge fund, went bankrupt and was bailed out by the banks at the urging of the Fed. Many other derivatives players, some considerably bigger than LTCM, were also grievously wounded. In response, Greenspan and his central banking peers launched what speculator George Soros later called the "wall of money," flooding the markets with liquidity and promises, and a cover-up of the extent of the damage. Only later would the players admit what LaRouche said at the time: that the global financial system came within a hair of melting down in 1998. It was this "wall of money" approach, combined with a liquidity injection under the guise of preventing potential Y2K problems and a regulatory blind eye to "creative bookkeeping," which led to the sharp rise in U.S. financial markets from late 1998 into early 2000. The attempt to bail out the system in 1997 led to the blowup in 1998, at which point another bailout was launched which blew up in 2000. Since then, global markets have plunged, major corporations have collapsed, pensions and retirement funds have evaporated, and the financial system is disintegrating. But don't worry, because a bailout is in the works. After all, the markets always rebound, don't they? Systemic Crisis The U.S. stock market bubble was actually a global phenomenon, financed in part by huge flows of investment capital into the country. Money poured into the United States during the go-go 1980s, though that flow ebbed a bit when the U.S. banking system went under (the Fed secretly took control of Citicorp and arranged shotgun marriages for the big banks) after the real estate market collapsed. To save the day, the financiers unleashed the derivatives market, unpayable debt was rolled over, and financial deregulation escalated. Changes in the tax codes allowed money that previously would have been paid in taxes to instead be gambled in the markets, and corporations used money that should have been invested in their business activities to support their stock price. The bubble soared, but the physical economy suffered, as health care, education, transportation, goods production, and research and development were all choked back in order to feed the bubble. As the bubble grew, the cash poured in, but that process abruptly reversed after the market peaked in 2000 (Figure 7). The decline in U.S. stocks led to a decline in the inflow of foreign capital, which in turn further depressed stocks. This process was ameliorated by the strong dollar, because the rising dollar increased the profits of foreign investors as the markets rose, and reduced their losses as the markets fell. However, in 2002, the weakness of the U.S. economy has caused the dollar to fall, including a sharp fall against the euro (Figure 8). The process defined by a falling stock market, a falling dollar, and reduced foreign capital inflows spells doom for the U.S. financial bubble, and when the United States falls, the world falls with it. Add to that the outbreaks of this systemic disease in Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, and other nations, including growing problems within Europe, and you have a prescription for disaster. Sinking Banks In all the corporate disasters breaking out in the United States, two names keep cropping up with uncanny regularity: J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup. Both were major lenders to Enron, and according to a report by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee for Investigations, both banks were active participants in Enron's fraud, using offshore affiliates to help Enron disguise loans as energy trades. Both banks lent heavily to the energy-pirate and telecom sectors, and are undoubtedly facing losses in the billions of dollars as those sectors vaporize. J.P. Morgan Chase is the result of the acquisition of J.P. Morgan & Co. by the bigger Chase Manhattan. The deal, which closed on the last day of 2000, has been an absolute disaster as measured in ordinary-and therefore misleading-market terms. The market capitalization of the combined Morgan Chase is now less than that of Chase alone on the day before the merger, with Morgan (or at least its equivalent value) having simply vaporized (Figure 9). This is not surprising, as it was likely a bankruptcy at Morgan, and perhaps Chase as well, which led to the takeover of the aristocratic Morgan by the commoners at Chase. The merger only bought a few months. Indications are that Morgan Chase blew up in mid-2001 and was secretly taken over by the Fed, similar to the way Citigroup's predecessor, Citicorp, was in 1989. During the fourth quarter of 2001, Morgan Chase combined its two lead banks, Chase Manhattan Bank and Morgan Guaranty Trust. As part of that process, $125 billion in assets and $7 trillion in derivatives simply disappeared from the combined banks' books, suggesting major financial problems. Still, with $24 trillion, Morgan Chase has more derivatives than any other bank in the world, and more than enough to make a spectacular explosion. Citigroup may be under Fed control as well, as rumors of major derivatives losses circulate. Citigroup is the result of the 1998 takeover of Citicorp by Travelers Insurance, creating what is now the largest bank in the United States, with just over $1 trillion in assets and $9 trillion in derivatives. On July 18, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Citigroup's largest individual shareholder, said that he had invested another $500 million in the bank, raising his holding to $10 billion. Alwaleed, a nephew of Saudi King Fahd, obtained his initial stake in the bank shortly after the Fed took it over in 1989 and began arranging a bailout. The latest cash infusion raises suspicion that Alwaleed is performing a similar service for Citigroup. Not to be left out is Bank of America, whose $620 billion in assets puts it third behind Citigroup's $1 trillion and Morgan Chase's $713 billion. Bank of America's $10 trillion in derivatives puts it solidly on the hot seat in any financial crisis, and it has also loaned heavily to bankrupt companies. Rumors are flying that Bank of America has applied to the Fed for a secret bailout. If the Fed winds up running the three biggest banks in the country, who's going to bail out the Fed? Mutual funds, pension funds, and insurance companies are also big holders of stocks and have been hard hit by the decline. There's a lot more damage out there than has been admitted so far, and the hemorrhaging is continuing. ~~~~~~~ IN GOLD I TRUST....... Gold - from TVX -- Sharefin, 09:44:09 08/02/02 Fri Fundamentals for Gold for new investors ======================================== ======================================== INVESTMENT POOL: ================ GLOBAL FINANCIAL PROFILE ...$7.5 trillion Amount invested or saved worldwide in 2000 $1.7 trillion Amount invested in developing countries in 2000 Portfolio investment (stocks and stock funds) $50 trillion Estimated total value of world stocks, bonds, securities and other financial assets $37 trillion Total global equity market capitalization 40 per cent Share of global equity market capitalization located in the United States 20 per cent Share in continental Europe 10 per cent Share in the emerging economies 20 per cent Drop in value of all world equity funds in 2000 32 per cent Drop in value of emerging market equity funds in 2000... I found this while looking for info on total worldwide assets Now if this is accurate then it certainly wouldn't take much to move the POG. Since the value of the world's gold is currently about $1.3 Trillion($300 * 4.4 billion ounces), it would not take a large shift of assets to double the value of physical gold. A shift of 2.6% would do it. Since there is 7.5 trillion apparently INVESTED every year, you wouldn't even need a SHIFT of assets to gold. What would happen if people just invested 1/3 of their new investment money in gold? After what folks have been exposed to over the last two years or so what is their confidence in regards to investing in the market? Then we can tackle the 100 billion or so dollars in equity value of all the gold stocks in the world. That is another monumental opportunity. There is only TWO TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT OF ALL EQUITY invested in the gold share market right now. Many financial advisors are cautioning people not to go overboard and to only invest 5% of their capital in hard assets. Do you realize if they did only that, that ALL gold shares would be worth TWENTY-FIVE TIMES what their value is today? THOSE, folks, are some of the reasons why gold investors are currently such confident holders of their stock. The risk reward/ratio in this market is phenomenal ....we just need to get past a little glitch called government interference. source of stats ALSO: Gold Stats by: zeromarginerror 02/27/02 12:54 pm Msg: 108290 of 108317 All the central banks/govt's of the world own collectively about 1 billion ounces. If America has 300 million people, and 10% of these are millionaires, that's 30 million people. If these 30 million people put 1% of $ 1 million into gold bullion coins, (hardly a large hedge) that would equal a $ 10,000 investment per millionaire. At today's gold price of $ 300/ounce, that would collectively buy, you got it, 1 billion ounces of gold. All this goes to show how tiny the gold market is, and how great the potential, also, if this rich country of America ever gets gold fever in a serious way, such as is happening in Japan now. Of course, gold would not be at $ 300 an ounce if this were to occur. By the way, that 1 billion ounces of demand would take about 12 years of current gold production at the current rate of 2500 tonnes per year..... SUPPLY/DEMAND FUNDAMENTALS: =========================== - Total demand is approximately 4800 tons according to RBC Global Investment Management* - Gold mine supply is approximately 2,600 tons and is expected to fall by 25% over the next 5 to 7 years if gold remains at $300 according to RBC - The difference is made up of scrap supply(recycling, which is estimated to be 600 tons), CB(central bank) selling for the most part and forward sales. - CB's have been loaning out their gold to be sold forward for the last decade. Even the gold bears will acknowledge that the CB's have loaned out close to 5,000 tons of their gold. The gold bulls put the figure at around 15,000 tons with some saying it is up to 30,000 tons. CB's only have about 33,000 tons of gold including that which they have loaned out to be sold. The gold they loaned needs to be paid back. With a current supply demand deficit that CB's themselves are patching up, where are those who sold the gold into the market going to get the gold to pay back the CB's?! If a price of $300 per ounce will only get 3,200 tons onto the market how high must gold go to make up for the minimum 5,000 ton short position to be satisfied? Assuming that these loans are paid back at 500 tons per year the gold market will need to make up AT LEAST an extra 2,100 tons PER YEAR for TEN years, between mine and scrap supply and gold demand plus gold debts owed, to balance the market. One expert predicts that the gold equlibrium price is $600 per ounce. - The president of Newmont mining puts the elasticity of the POG at $5 for every 100 tons of extra demand. In other words for every 100 tons that needs to be satisfied, it will take a $5 higher price move to do it. Since it is probably near impossible for mine supply to make up the difference between the CB short position and the market, then the only place that could satisfy demand is a higher gold price to coax sellers into the market. That being said it would take a price of $250((5000 / 100) = 50 * $5 = $250) higher just to make up the gold short position ALONE. If you also include the 1600 ton yearly supply deficit this is another $80. THAT equals a gold price that is close to $650!! Of course if gold gets anywhere near $500 in a quick amount of time demand will shoot through the roof so what we will have is a compounding demand problem for the shorts!! A good example of that is that recently on the gold futures market alone, open interest went up fifty percent(from 80,000 contracts, representing 8 million ounces of gold, to 120,000 contracts, representing 12 million ounces of gold) in the most popular contract based on the move from $270 to $310. Can you imagine the demand if gold were to rise to levels not seen in 20 years? - A few years ago in the late '90's it was stated that 75% of all mines are losing money below $300 per ounce. In the past this price deficit was made up by forward selling (where the 5000 ton deficit came from) which is slowly beginning to be eliminated and high grading, a practice which mines deposits that only have higher percentages of gold. I don't know the current numbers for mine cost but the numbers I gave are only a few years old and things don't change too quickly in the gold mining business. World Gold Exploration (dollars spent) US $million 1997 3,600 1998 2,350 1999 1,665 2000 1,400 2001 1,200 2002 1,000 (numbers via the world gold council and CIBC**) This is with the understanding that it takes years(up to seven according to the president of Newmont mining) for a gold mine to produce the metal(slow infrastructure build time) ONCE AND IF EXPLORATION HAS FOUND IT! Most of the older shareholders in the gold market know these facts. They realize that at current prices gold and gold stocks are still on SALE. *RBC report can be found here: RBC report **CIBC report can be found here: Keep it simple. Bill O'Reilly always says, "keep it short and pithy" in reference to e-mails. I have been told at times that my Storm Updates are "a lengthy read.” The reason for their length is that they reflect the damage and the complexity of the nation's economic and market infrastructure as well as the unwinding of the world's present monetary system. These issues can't be discussed in simple prose or in short pithy essays. Monetary policy and its impact on the financial markets, the economy and the credit systems are complex subjects. I don't need to tell you about the thickness of economic books. Needless to say, economic and financial issues are complex subjects that take time to explain, especially now since systemic risk exists everywhere. The world's monetary system based on the dollar is in the process of unraveling. The expansion of monetary policy in the 1990's and its concomitant explosion of credit fed into the financial system creating multiple bubbles in the economy and the financial system. GATA & Gold -- Sharefin, 07:34:47 08/02/02 Fri GATA chairman urges Senate to interrogate Morgan -- and you should too! Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: GATA Chairman Bill Murphy has sent the following letter to the U.S. Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and we ask that our supporters in the United States send similar letters to their own senators. CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. * * * Dear Senator: J.P. Morgan Chase Chief Executive Officer William B. Harrison's response to the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations was notable for what it did not say. Morgan Chase and Citigroup have been unlawfully manipulating the price of gold for many years, according to the findings of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, of which I am chairman. Our evidence of that manipulation may be reviewed at The committee might want to query Morgan Chase and Citigroup Weill about their gold derivative positions, as these are related to the Senate's investigation. According to the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency, two-thirds of the total gold derivatives at reporting banks are concentrated at these two institutions. Significantly, the gold derivatives at Morgan and Citibank jumped in the first quarter of this year, in stark contrast with gold derivatives at the other reporting banks. Following are some questions you might like to ask Mr. Harrison. He should have no problem answering them, since he stated the following in his written response to the committee: "As the largest corporate lender in the world, transparency is key to our business." 1. Have J.P. Morgan Chase, its subsidiaries, its special-purpose entities, related companies, or agents acting on its behalf conducted any gold-related transactions with the U.S. Federal Reserve System, the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund, or any other part of the U.S. government, directly or via an intermediary, in the last 20 years? 2. If so, specifically what transactions were these? 3. Do such arrangements continue? If so, what is their status? 4. What is the size of such transactions? 5. What was the purpose of such transactions? Were they conducted for investment reasons, or was there a stated or implied intent to depress the price of gold? 6. According to the Quarter 1 2002 derivatives report from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the notional value of gold derivatives on the books of Morgan Chase stood at $45.234 billion, a 12.24 percent increase from the Quarter 4 2001 figure of $41.049 billion. Exactly what accounts for this large increase? Is the expansion of the gold derivative book the result of increased gold borrowing or swapping with one or more central banks? 7. Does the figure of $45.234 billion effectively represent the size of Morgan Chase's gold loan book? Further, does this figure represent position data indicating the size of Morgan Chase's gold loan book at a point in time, or is it transaction data representing the turnover of various gold derivatives? 8. Is Morgan Chase aware of any effort on the part of bullion banks or central banks aimed at depressing the price of gold? 9. Has Morgan Chase, including its predecessor, subsidiary, and related companies or related entities, ever engaged in a gold swap with the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund, or another U.S. government agency? If so, how large was the transaction and what was its purpose? Does such an arrangement continue? 10. Has any government entity, domestic or foreign, provided any sort of guarantee to cover losses suffered by Morgan Chase in the gold market? If so, specifically what guarantees? Did Morgan Chase engage in any gold-related transactions with the knowledge that a government entity was prepared to cover any of Morgan Chase's losses? 11. Morgan Chase maintains the largest gold derivative position of all U.S. banks at $41 billion. Does Morgan Chase carry those gold derivatives as balance-sheet assets? 12. What entity is the original source of gold used for those derivatives? What records exist for any such transactions? 13. Was the gold involved purchased? If so, where, when, and at what price? If the gold was borrowed, how is it the Morgan Chase gold derivatives are now listed as balance-sheet assets? 14. Are the Morgan Chase gold derivatives established largely to enhance the counterparty's short or long side of the commodities trade? 15. Was Enron ever a counterparty to any Morgan Chase precious metals derivatives? 16. Did Morgan Chase's long-standing precious metals derivatives trading manager, Dinsa Mehta, recently leave his job? Why? 17. How much in terms of troy ounces and U.S. dollars are Morgan Chase's direct, indirect, and contingent liabilities to pay gold? What is the maturity of each of those liabilities? I believe that Morgan Chase is a subsidiary of the Morgan bank holding company. So you might want to expand the investigation to the non-bank parent as well as the bank subsidiary to something like the following: 18. Have Morgan Chase (the holding company and banking subsidiary), its subsidiaries, special-purpose entities, related companies, or agents conducted any gold-related transactions with the U.S. Federal Reserve System, the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund, or any other U.S. government entity, either directly or via an intermediary in the last 20 years? 19. Was Morgan Chase ever formally implicated in inappropriate metals market trading practices? Did it pay a fine? In that inappropriate metals trading activity (the Hamanaka, Sumitomo copper market case in 1993), did Morgan Chase use offshore accounts similar to those in the Enron operations? What was the design goal of the trades -- to enhance the counter-party's short or long side of the trade? Did Morgan Chase or Sumitomo's Hamanaka first suggest the offshore account technique? You might also like to ask Enron the following questions: 1. Did Enron possess a precious metals trading license from the London Bullion Market Association? What did that license cost? 2. What was the nature (which metal) and magnitude (quarterly size) of Enron's precious metals trades? 3. Were precious metals trades integrated in any way with Enron's energy trades? 4. Were the Enron precious metals trades facilitated in any way by Morgan Chase or any of its offshore affiliated entities such as Mahonia? Which Morgan Chase entities were involved? To what quarterly magnitude? 5. Who first suggested that Enron get involved in precious metals activities? When was this suggestion made? 6. Was Enron ever a counterparty to any Morgan Chase precious metals derivatives? 7. Did Morgan Chase's long-standing precious metals derivatives trading manager Dinsa Mehta recently leave his duties? Why? It would be my pleasure to go Washington to meet with your committee on this matter. All the best, BILL MURPHY, Chairman Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee GATA & Gold -- Sharefin, 07:32:08 08/02/02 Fri An open letter to the central banks about their leased gold Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: Here's a letter written by James Sinclair, CEO of Tan Range Exploration and a veteran executive in the gold business, and Harry Schultz, editor of the International Harry Schultz Letter, that GATA asks its supporters to send to their country's central bank. A directory of central banks has been posted here: CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. * * * Dear People: Do you know that Enron has been reported to have many derivative transactions in gold? Do you know that gold producers represent only 11 percent of the notional value of gold derivatives reported on the books of the international commercial banks by the International Monetary Fund? Therefore, approximately 89 percent of the ultimate beneficiaries of gold you have leased have no gold production with which to replace your gold. Do you know who has been the ultimate beneficiary of all the gold leases you have been party to? Do you know that in time you might be revealed to have inadvertently financed corporate crimes, as with Enron? Do you realize that it is impossible at present market levels for the gold that you have leased to be returned as gold? Do you know that the ultimate beneficiaries of the gold you have leased are poor credit risks and getting worse? Do you realize that as the investigations into the affairs of the corporate criminals progress, you may well lose all the gold you have leased, financed crime, and failed a national trust? As head of a central bank, now that you are informed, you are obliged to investigate the practices of gold leasing and take appropriate measures to stop financing crime. Sincerely yours, James Sinclair and Harry Schultz Gold -- Sharefin, 07:29:45 08/02/02 Fri Gold specialist sees growing shine in metal's prospects For one thing, he says the gold market cycle tends to last about 30 months, which suggests it has another nine months to run, before gold prices begin to soften again. Furthermore, Mr. Holmes says the performance of gold and gold stocks is negatively correlated with the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index. For example, gold stocks tripled in value over a three-year period in the early 1990s, a period of soft stock markets. So far this year, the S&P 500 is down 22.94 per cent, while the Philadelphia gold and silver index is up 14.04 per cent. Furthermore, gold companies have said they plan to reduce their hedging programs, which could have the short-term effect of pushing the bullion price higher. And central bank holdings of bullion have fallen to the levels of the 1950s, he said. In addition, exploration expenditures by mining companies have fallen sharply since 1997. That will affect supply down the road. He feels that the price of bullion could rise into the $375-to-$400 range by the first quarter of 2003. Fiat -- Sharefin, 06:23:44 08/02/02 Fri Investors pull $47bn out of equity mutual funds Investors continued to flee a grim US stock market in July, with early industry estimates suggesting that some $47bn was pulled out of equity mutual funds - the largest net monthly outflow in history, according to new data. The forecasts have raised concerns that investors are losing faith in equities and could further upset an already volatile market. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:12:44 08/02/02 Fri U.S. Housing Bust Another Step Towards $1,245 Gold We need to now turn to how "inflation" relates to the coming U.S. Housing Bust and the future for Gold, a simple motivation. Federal Reserve policy is established based on a faulty assumption that the CPI is an adequate measure of price stability. That measure is likely to rise causing the Federal Reserve to respond by tightening monetary policy and bursting an already shaky Housing Bubble.. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:08:55 08/02/02 Fri India to step up gold imports shortly India, the world's largest gold consumer, is likely to latch on to easing global prices and step up imports ahead of the festival season which starts next month, but demand will be sharply lower than last year, traders have said. Local gold prices are derived from global prices as India imports nearly 70% of its annual demand of about 850 tonnes, accounting for over 20% of the world gold demand. Traders have estimated that local gold demand could fall by 25-30% in 2002 from about 855 tonnes in the previous year. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:07:14 08/02/02 Fri DEMAND FOR GOLD RISES IN PAKISTAN IN Q1 Demand of gold in Pakistan rose to 41 tonnes during the first quarter of the year 2002, showing an increase of 38 per cent against the corresponding period of last year. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:04:04 08/02/02 Fri Gold Fields reports record Q4 earnings Gold Fields, the South African gold miner, on Thursday reported record earnings for the fourth quarter as it built on a third successive quarter of gains. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:56:05 08/02/02 Fri Mining charter will bring SA to its knees JOHANNESBURG - Gaping holes have begun to appear in the government's blueprint for black empowerment in the mining industry, with senior market commentators warning that the planned ownership change of the country's mining assets will bring the country to its knees. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:54:37 08/02/02 Fri Australia's AurionGold Still Rejects Placer Dome Bid Gold -- Sharefin, 05:40:39 08/02/02 Fri AngloGold lops 2.4m oz off hedge AngloGold, South Africa's largest gold producer, confirmed today it had reduced its hedge book 2.4 million ounces bringing the total reduction this financial year to 4.1 million ounces, about 33 percent of its total book. AngloGold puts brakes on hedge buyback South Africa's number one gold producer says it will slow down an aggressive hedge buyback policy, which it says has been a dominant force in buoying the gold price. Nonetheless, the group says it remains positive about the prospects for the gold price. Kelvin Williams: Executive director, marketing, AngloGold The main issue of the quarterly results issued today was the further reduction of the hedge. Are jewellers still buying, and what is happening in the Chinese market? ![]() New charts for goldbugs - click here. Here's a new series of charts covering spot prices and global gold indices and also specializing in Australian Gold Indices. The charts are laid out in daily/weekly/monthly series with 9/18 moving averages. The series cover: Spot Gold Spot Silver US Gold Indices - XAU - HUI - GOX SA Gold Index Canadian Gold Index Australian Gold Indices - GR-100 - GR-50 - GR-20 - GR-International These charts will be updated daily. Please enjoy....^o-o^.... XAU 2 Day / 5 Min -- SilverDragon, 09:00:28 08/01/02 Thu XAU 2 Day / 5 Min On the ‘XAU 2 Day / 5 Min' you can see the ‘Break Out / Pull Back' more clearly… SilverDragon XAU 10 Day… 15 Min … Keep Em Crossed!!! -- SilverDragon, 08:45:20 08/01/02 Thu XAU 10 Day… 15 Min … Keep Em Crossed!!! On the XAU 10 Day / 15 Min … · Large Double Bottom · Bounce on the 15 Min Rising Bottom Line · Through the Declining Tops Line · Pull back to the Declining Tops Line KEEP EM CROSSED!!! SilverDragon ![]() Dr John Coleman is due to appear on the Jeff Rense show Thursday evening as one of 2 guests. If you can't listen live, the shows are archived. Dr Coleman will be talking about the economy and why gold and especially silver are good investments. Jeff Rense Program ![]() Jim Sinclair on at 5:05pm Wednesday The Tom O'Brien Show will have Jim Sinclair on his radio show tomorrow at 5:05PM - Get his up-to-the-minute call on gold & the hottest issue in the financial world - the NY Banks & the Derivatives Trap: DON'T MISS HIM! (Tom is on daily M-F from 4-6PM EST) Fiat -- Sharefin, 06:41:55 07/31/02 Wed Uruguay's Peso Falls After Banks Ordered Closed Uruguay's government temporarily halted activity at all banks on Tuesday to stop a crippling run on deposits, sparking a slide of over 14 percent in the value of the peso. Worried depositors who lined up at banks found that cash machines had been turned off after the South American nation's spiraling recession, due in part to turmoil in neighbors Brazil and Argentina, forced the first bank holiday in decades. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:22:22 07/31/02 Wed 08:54 ET Stocks to Watch: : Goldman Sachs raised its rating on the gold sector to MARKET OVERWEIGHT from Market Weight, saying it believes the dollar will continue to weaken, govt. deficits will continue to widen, and investors will continue to look for alternative asset choices to diversify their investments. FCX, ABX, LIHRY, RIO, AU and PDG received separate upgrades to reflect the firm's upbeat view of the sector. Patrick J. O'Hare, Gold -- Sharefin, 06:10:04 07/31/02 Wed Coin smashes auction record A very rare gold coin has been sold at auction in New York for a record $7.5m. The $20 coin, known as a double eagle, took less than 10 minutes to sell to a telephone bidder. The previous record auction price for a coin was just over $4.1m, paid in August 1999 for an 1804 US silver dollar. The double eagle was minted in 1933, but never went into circulation. President Franklin D Roosevelt ordered the destruction of all 500,000 of the coins, but one survived and went missing for 60 years. It was legally on sale for the first time. ![]() Gold -- Sharefin, 05:50:44 07/31/02 Wed Bernie Schaeffer: Gold Still Precious in My Book I turned bullish on gold on December 18, 2001 and my opinion has not changed in the wake of the recent pullback in gold and the even sharper decline in gold shares. From a fundamental perspective, I believe the case for gold remains sound. In fact, my assessment is that the financial markets do not currently assign sufficient weight to the possibility of major negative developments such as a dollar collapse, a stock market crash that takes out the recent "bottom." a U.S. debt implosion, foreign market contagion, war and terrorist attacks. A position in gold and gold shares is an intelligent hedge against such developments. Another bullish factor from the fundamental perspective is that the market capitalization of the entire gold mining industry is comparable to the market cap of a single large-cap tech stock - Dell Computer. This indicates two things to me. First, the gold stocks are far from being priced at "bubble levels." And second, if just a fraction of the money currently invested in non-gold equities moved to gold stocks, there would be an explosive rally in the golds, perhaps to multiples of current price levels. From a technical standpoint, there are numerous indicators showing support for gold and gold stocks after their recent declines. My advice to those who are long gold and/or gold stocks is to hold their positions. If you have not yet made any purchases in this sector, the sharp correction off the May peaks presents a good opportunity for you to leg in. Fiat -- Sharefin, 05:46:54 07/31/02 Wed 'Dr Doom' sees more market pain Asked whether a panic could set in, Mr Dye said, "There's always that risk in financial markets because there tends to be trend-adaptive behaviour by the participants - which means that we actually act like animals in herds." Gold -- Sharefin, 21:04:43 07/29/02 Mon Gold Off Lows, Consolidating All eyes were focused on the equity markets and the U.S. dollar for signs of further strength on both fronts that could be seen as detrimental to gold. However, the fund selling pressure seen Friday died down somewhat Monday morning to keep Aug off Friday's lows of $300.50, and the $300 region remains touted as initial support on any further dips. Indeed, Ian McDonald, manager of precious metals trading at Commerzbank in New York, said he expected the $300 level to provide a floor for the Aug gold market for the time being as the market enters a "much-needed and welcomed consolidatory phase." He added that "trickles" of physical buying were beginning to re-emerge in the $300 region, which were seen as encouraging. The prevailing strength Monday morning in the dollar and equity markets, though, limited overall buy-side interest to "pullbacks only." Gold was expected to hold in a broad $300-$320 range for the short to medium term as prices continue to consolidate, he added, but in the longer run it would move higher again as the dollar continues to suffer further attrition against other currencies and equity markets remain jumpy. Gold -- Sharefin, 21:01:52 07/29/02 Mon Gold nears US300/oz WHILE the rest of the market celebrated yesterday, gold stocks were hammered as bullion prices slid to within a whisker of the psychological $US300 per ounce barrier. Reflecting the strong rises posted by the US sharemarket and dollar at the weekend, gold lived up to its contrarian reputation, shedding $US7.35 to finish the day at $US302.15/oz. Gold has now fallen 8 per cent since peaking at $US328/oz in early June. With signs that the US dollar is regaining the eye of global investors, analysts warned that in the absence of further major accounting scandals and threats of terrorism, bullion prices were likely to fall further over the next quarter at least. Lihir Gold plunged 10¢ to $1.06 after reporting that taxes owed on forward sales had contributed to an 80 per cent dive in first half net earnings to just $US4.2 million. Number two producer Newcrest Mining also fell 6¢ to finish at $5.80, despite expectations it will be the next Australian miner to draw the eye of cashed up offshore predators like AngloGold and Barrick. Gold -- Sharefin, 21:00:03 07/29/02 Mon Harmony accepts offer for AurionGold Harmony Gold, South Africa's third largest bullion miner, has accepted Canadian miner Placer Dome's offer for its 9.8% or 43.350 million shares in AurionGold. Harmony chief executive, Bernard Swanepoel, said: "The Placer Dome offer is logical and adds value for AurionGold shareholders. In our view, the terms of Placer Dome's offer are attractive and represent fair value for AurionGold. We believe that the revised offer is substantially above the price at which AurionGold would trade in the absence of the offer or if the Place offers did not proceed. We look forward to becoming a Placer Dome shareholder and expect its price to reflect the benefits of the acquisition of AurionGold." Gold -- Sharefin, 20:56:53 07/29/02 Mon Leaked mining document to be discussed on Tuesday The draft manifesto, which proposes that 51% of all new mining projects must be owned by black entrepreneurs within 10 years, was leaked to internet news service Miningweb last week shortly after the minister distributed it to mining companies, the Chamber of Mines and other role players in the industry. Tuesday's action is an effort to restore confidence in the mining industry and to repair the damage caused to investor confidence by rumours. Mining company share prices have already fallen sharply since the document was leaked on Friday. ![]() Interesting link ![]() Gold market seen undergoing return to bear market Gold investors let go of their holdings in droves last week, causing the steepest one-week decline in over 2-1/12 years, with many sellers of the sometimes safe-haven asset ignoring renewed terrorist threats and volatile stock prices to reposition for a bear market. Dealers and analysts said they think many players are now betting that gold's glory days are over. "The safe-haven is coming out of gold and going back in to other markets. It's served its purpose. It's held its value. Now the stock market has come down sharply and the sense is that opportunity is elsewhere," said a dealer at a large bank. "They're betting that the top is in," he added. "People are shifting out of gold and back into other markets." With financial markets in general looking topsy-turvy last week, many gold watchers were perplexed when the flight to safety play seemed to be unwinding along with share prices. And while some bullion dealers with customers who straddle both markets needed to raise ready cash through gold sales, others pointed out that the more savvy investors had been off loading gold even before last week's stock market thrashing. Others pointed out that a primary driver of gold to its recent chart tops was U.S. dollar weakness. In the week before the precipitous stock market slide, they said, gold failed to benefit from continued dollar weakness, indicating to some that gold had seen its best prices. "The seeds for gold's downfall were sown when we were making new lows on the dollar, new lows on the equity market and gold was struggling at $323.50 (an ounce)," he said. Fiat -- Sharefin, 20:00:54 07/29/02 Mon 'Fannie and Freddie Were Lenders': US Real Estate Bubble Nears Its End The U.S. financial system is now dependent to an unprecedented degree upon one prop: the greatest housing-real estate bubble in human history. A hyperinflationary spiral has sent home prices shooting up by 10-40% annually in recent years-depending on the region of the country-and artificially pushed the price of millions of homes into the $400,000 to $1 million range or above. Already in 2001, one out of every ten homes for sale in the United States was priced at $1,000,000 or more. Since then, prices, assessments, real estate taxes, and mortgage credit volume have continued to spiral upwards, even as the productive economy staggered downhill. Many homes today are simultaneously glorified shacks-with plastic exteriors and gold-plated faucets in the bathroom-and yet unaffordable to most American families. This housing bubble is without precedent, far larger than the 18th-Century Mississippi Bubble of Venetian-Scottish agent John Law. In 1717, Law established the Mississippi Company and issued shares to the public, initially against the supposed wealth to be drained from France's Louisiana Territories in North America, and eventually against the value of all of France's colonial trade. These were shares, effectively, against ground-rent. In 1719, the value of the Mississippi Company's paper shares rose to 40 times their original value, and many times the wealth that possibly could back them up. In 1720, the shares collapsed, bankrupting the nation of France. The U.S. housing bubble's stated ground-rent value is 1,000 times greater than that of the Mississippi Bubble. Unless corrective measures are taken, the inevitable collapse and the ensuing devastation will destroy millions of families. The cumulative value of all homes in America is now an astounding $12.04 trillion, which is only $3 trillion less than the hyperinflated value of all the stocks traded in America. People have been deluded into buying homes in the $250,000 to $500,000 range, on the grounds that if they can hold on to them for two to five years, they will be able to re-sell them at an even higher price; or, alternatively, that these are the only homes available, and that if they don't buy them now, however overpriced, prices will go even higher and become further out of reach. Millions of families are spending 35 to 50% of their annual income on mortgage or rent payments. There is a physical constraint on their ability to pay, and thus, ultimately, a constraint on the housing bubble itself: These families are one or two missed paychecks, or the loss of a job, away from defaulting on a mortgage. Default rates on mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration-used primarily by families of middle or modest income-have recently reached 10% in some urban areas of the United States. As a wave of cumulative mortgage defaults spreads, the housing market will implode, wiping out trillions of dollars in housing values. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:43:36 07/29/02 Mon Gold down - but not out? Gold's giving way was another triumph for Dow Theory Letters' Richard Russell. He shocked the metal's friends with a special bulletin last Tuesday night warning that gold stocks had broken down on a technical basis -- right in time for the rout. But this Russell call illustrates his weaknesses as well as his strengths. Only a couple of weeks ago, he was predicting that gold would go "to the moon." Although his discipline in responding to price action is impressive, it does make you wonder how much his longer-run rationalizations about incipient deflation really matter. Especially as he adds that the long-run gold bull market is "still intact" and continues to recommend keeping 5 percent of your assets in gold (metal, not shares. The other 95 percent? T-bills or T-notes.) This ambiguity is one reason Mark Hulbert reports that he has found Russell's gold recommendations impossible to follow over time. But, hey, Russell got his subscribers out, didn't he? And long-time Russellologists note that he's just reprinted without comment -- a frequent Russell tactic when he's brooding -- a sensational James Sinclair-Harry Schultz essay from Le Metropole Café arguing that gold was broken down in a bear raid orchestrated to protect J.P. Morgan Chase's huge gold derivative position. If this sort of manipulation turns out to be the next big financial scandal, Russell's subscribers will forgive a little ambiguity. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:37:23 07/29/02 Mon Turning into a liar's solitaire "History has a way of repeating itself. The two greatest stock market manias prior to this one were the roaring twenties, which ended in 1929, and the Nikkei 225 mania, which ended in 1989. Since this recent boom was greater than the other two follies, this bust should be equal to or greater than its predecessors. The three biggest problems facing us now are the debt Bomb, the housing bubble and demographics. The Fed added fuel to the fire every time it lowered interest rates, creating more debt for the consumer and for corporate America. The second is a housing market that is about to pop. Lastly, the baby boomers will not be able to wait out the crash; they will need their money for retirement or health care costs." Gold -- Sharefin, 04:10:35 07/29/02 Mon No link for this one: --------------------- By Ian Williams Tue 9 Jul 2002(11151) LONDON (ShareCast) - There may be trouble brewing in the gold market. But for a change, this trouble will be good for gold bugs as an unusual confluence of events pushes gold, currently trading around $310 an ounce, to $400 and above. And it will prove very bad for any big-name banks caught on the wrong side of this price move. The phenomenon revolves around a highly unusual form of gold derivatives, a market in which Citibank, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are the major players. The particular form of derivative is a type of hedging pioneered by Barrick, one of the world's largest gold producers and a leader in innovative hedges. Ordinarily, a hedge protects a producer or investor from the downside, but, other things being equal, it does so by limiting their upside. Barrick, however, has managed to construct a hedge that allows it considerable upside if gold rises. And one big bank could be caught very short. Barrick has been a very good hedger, making use of all sorts of instruments and investment strategies. In fact, at the end of 2001, its hedge book had assets of $5.5bn, which was more than the gold-mining part of the company. It appears that part of this success comes from what is known as a spot deferred forward sale contract, which it started using in 1990. Barrick makes a forward contract with a bank to deliver (unmined) gold at a certain price at a certain date. But - and this is what makes these contracts different and, indeed, dangerous for counter-parties - Barrick also had the right to defer the delivery of the gold for periods ranging from five to 10 years. Recently Barrick has entered into contracts that allow it to defer delivery for 15 years. While deferring or rolling over a contract is not unusual in the financial world, it can usually be done for only a short period and both parties have to agree. But Barrick appears to have pulled off a coup by writing extended-length contracts that allow it to take the decision unilaterally. This can be very lucrative for Barrick. Say gold is trading at $300 an ounce and Barrick agrees to sell Bank X 1m oz of gold at $320 an ounce in 12 months. If gold then trades at $310 an ounce one year later, Barrick will sell the gold to the bank and receive a better price than it would get elsewhere. But if gold has shot up to $350, Barrick can choose to defer the sale to the bank, and sell its gold in the market. This gives it the best of both worlds - little risk and the highest price available. If you are Bank X holding the obligation to buy the 1m oz at $320 per ounce, then you need to hedge this position in the market. Standard gold futures contracts have no deferral clauses, so you sell forward the gold that you don't have, which means you are now relying on Barrick to deliver the gold so you can fulfil your end of the bargain. If Barrick decides to defer the sale, though, there could be trouble - which is what we hear could happen. Apparently, one sizeable bank active in this market has a gold derivatives book of $41bn, a significant part of which is attributable to its dealings with Barrick. Barrick's contract apparently has the option to defer any sale. If the gold price starts to accelerate, Barrick could choose to defer and the bank will have to find some other way to get the gold it needs to fulfil its own obligations. How will it do that? It will have to buy the gold - potentially hundreds of millions of dollars worth - in the market. A forced buyer of that size would send gold rocketing to $400 or even $450 an ounce, prices not seen since the early 1980s. You may have a question: How could a bank do something so risky? Eight words give a clue to that: Enron, Savings & Loans, Long-Term Capital Management. Ian Williams is head of fixed-income and commodity research at Durlacher. ![]() Here's a stunner; recently there's been a surge in new Chinese websites on gold as their markets open up & they deregulate the industry. This site seems to be one of the main Chinese Gold websites and the following is extracted from their info page. Here's the Babelfish English translation Here's the Chinese webpage The point to notice is where they state; "Future the gold price will overshoot 1700 American dollars / ounces" Here's the main Chinese website Gold -- Sharefin, 03:45:16 07/29/02 Mon Gold Bugs Beware Central Banks have a vested interest in keeping the gold price low and they still have the means to achieve this end. The IMF has stated that a strong US dollar is needed to keep the world economy moving and they will be instructing the CB's to buy this currency. The Bundesbank is still making noises about selling gold and buying equities and bonds - it's the third time this announcement has been made, the Swiss are still sellers of gold with about 850 ton to sell and the mining companies have either stopped hedging or are attempting to unwind their hedges, which reduces demand for physical metal. Never mind the rumours about "x" amount of ton's being leased and sold into the market, or CB's having little gold left, or Japanese grandmothers buying gold in record amounts, the bottom line is that the CB's are still in control of this market. Will they eventually lose control? Yes, but we are not there yet. When the CRB Index begins to rise to enough of a degree that inflation and rising prices becomes obvious to the public at large then that event could be close at hand. It is becoming apparent that equity markets around the world are in trouble. It will be difficult for the Central Bankers to maintain a strong currency and a strong stockmarket at the same time, but they will try. The only safe investment is something that is not somebody else's liability, which leaves few alternatives. Should the gold price decline further (and it will) then the buying opportunity of a lifetime is arriving. Buying gold and taking delivery of the metal at prices below $300, looking to add more if the decline continues below $250, is one of the safest strategies there is. You are insured against stock market collapses, currency collapses, bank collapses, etc and that insurance is included in your purchase! Buying gold removes the counter party risk and ALL paper investments contain counter party risk. The next bubble to burst is most likely to be the real estate bubble as it, too, has been described of recent times as a safe haven, which is not a good sign. Gold -- Sharefin, 03:42:27 07/29/02 Mon COMEX gold, silver end hectic week in steep slide In the steepest weekly sell-off in 2-3/4 years, spot gold ruptured one support level after another. On Friday, a series of stop-loss sell orders were triggered that fed on itself in a frenzied session where investors rushed to dump gold. COMEX estimated that 94,000 lots changed hands on Friday, compared with 54,020 contracts on Thursday. Benchmark August gold futures <0#GC:> at the New York Mercantile Exchange tumbled $6.40 an ounce to finish at $303.30 an ounce, but not before hitting a session low at $300.50. Friday's high was $310.60 an ounce. The week's high was $326. Spot gold The latest Commitment of Traders data, released after the close, showed funds still held net long gold positions of 26,238 and speculators had a long gold exposure of 40,715 as of last Tuesday. After the heavy selling that took place this week, traders said they thought by Friday those numbers were significantly smaller. On Friday, some gold traders said they thought many players were not only continuing to liquidate long positions, as was the case for most of the week, but were also seen taking out new short positions. Some bullion dealers said they thought Friday's low around $300 might serve as support while gold consolidated its massive losses for the week, but others said they saw the slaughter continuing into next week. Some players said they do not expect any basing action until spot gold hits $298 or even the March low around $287. Gold -- Sharefin, 03:39:45 07/29/02 Mon Gold Crisis Will Happen? "It's just way too early to panic; the fundamentals for gold are still good," said Wellsted. He said the fall in gold stocks this week - the index lost 6 percent yesterday - was based on the notion that global equity markets had bottomed out. "When we see real signs of a recovery and not a lot of guessing then maybe there could be a case for getting out of gold, but right now all the factors that pushed the price up are still very much in place," he said. Gold -- Sharefin, 03:29:04 07/29/02 Mon Signs remain positive for gold despite sell down DESPITE the sudden plunge in gold prices this week, the precious metal should benefit from a softer US dollar and falling equity markets in the near term. However the prospect of further fund selling and shrinking demand could hurt the price towards the end of 2002. "The risk is the funds square out of their positions and there is not the physical demand to support it and we come down below $US300 and towards $US290," he said. The global economic downturn suggests demand for jewellery in America and Europe will be lower than in previous years and conditions for world's biggest buyer India also indicate demand will slide. Gold -- Sharefin, 03:26:58 07/29/02 Mon Gold Has Biggest Weekly Drop in 2 1/2 Years on Stronger Dollar Gold had its worst week in 2 1/2 years as the dollar strengthened and stocks recovered, reducing the metal's allure as an alternative investment. The dollar had its biggest weekly gain against the euro and yen in more than a year, making the metal more costly for buyers using those currencies. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had its first weekly increase in three weeks. Gold futures fell 6.4 percent for the week, the biggest drop since December 1999. This week's decline has been ``mainly because the dollar looks like it's stopped falling and is going to bounce back a bit,'' said John Bridges, an analyst at J.P. Morgan & Chase & Co. in New York. ``For now, there's less concern about the general markets.'' ``Safe-haven buying in gold never lasts long,'' said Leonard Kaplan, president of Prospector Asset Management, a money- management company in Evanston, Illinois. ``When people see the stock market go up and down drastically like it has, they just want to get out of all of the markets.'' Gold -- Sharefin, 03:25:06 07/29/02 Mon Gold plunges as U.S. dollar regains favour "In the 1987 crash, when the stock market fell, gold fell as well," said Mr. Gill. "Gold is just another asset class, and really the safest asset in times of instability is always going to be cash." The latest market meltdown also took down the shares of gold companies, which have been a leading indicator for the price of the metal, said Doug Pollitt, an analyst with Pollitt & Co. Inc., a boutique Toronto brokerage. The S&P/TSX Canadian gold index plunged 23% because mutual fund managers were forced to sell stocks to meet redemption requests and individual investors sought to cash out while they could, he said. The correction in gold prices is a good thing because it removes some sellers from the market who should not have been there in the first place, said Mr. Pollitt. "You've got to shake out the doctors and dentists from time to time," he said. "When people don't believe ... that's a bullish, contrarian indicator." Gold -- Sharefin, 03:21:06 07/29/02 Mon Gold meltdown wipes out $9bn in 1 week Gold traders are expecting a near record day in the pits with huge volumes flowing through Comex. "It's not over yet," said a harried Ian McDonald of Commerzbank, New York. He painted a picture of confusion, volatility and borderline mania as the waning gold price triggered stop loss orders that blew away all this year's hard-won gains, but is hardly a fatal blow to a sector that has had a fantastic run this year. Gold futures had nearly 7% sheared off before the New York close, the worst weekly performance since late 1999, but up from intraday lows that scraped $300 an ounce. It's an ominous parallel because that year's rally ended in tears with a slide to $255 in mid-2001. Things really got moving when gold broke technical supports below $310, and it was an express elevator down from there. Lenny's Corner -- Sharefin, 03:19:17 07/29/02 Mon GENERAL COMMENTS: In probably the most stunning example of complete irrationality that I have seen in many years, the gold and silver markets were absolutely destroyed last week. From its high on Monday, to its low on Friday, gold prices fell by 8%, and silver prices fared even worse, falling in excess of 10%. It was the steepest sell off in gold in almost 3 years, for no apparent reason. Some of the aberrant anomalies are: *Historically, there is about a 92% negative correlation between the price of gold and the general stock indices. Last week, the S&P's were up about 4%, while the metals were down far in excess of such numbers. *Historically, there is about a 94% correlation between the price of gold and the value of the USD. Last week, the USD gained less than 1/2 of 1% while the price of gold and silver plummeted. *There was a major correlational disconnect among the precious metals themselves. Platinum and palladium were higher for the week, while gold and silver were flamed. *There was no substantive change in the fundamentals of gold and silver, which may have created a change in investor psychology for the long term. In fact, there was nothing but rather fundamentally bullish news. Periodic Ponzi Update PPU -- $hifty, 21:30:23 07/28/02 Sun Periodic Ponzi Update PPU Nasdaq 1,262.12 + Dow 8,264.39 = 9,526.51 divide by 2 = 4,763.25 Ponzi Up 94.05 from last week. I don't see this up trend lasting for long. Thanks for the link RossL! Be ready to resume the chart excavation at any time! Go GATA Go Gold! $hifty ![]() Buy LOW!!! Sell HIGH!!! -- SilverDragon, 09:14:54 07/28/02 Sun I have always been told... Buy LOW!!! I have always been told... Sell HIGH!!! I am trying to... Buy LOW!!! I am trying to... Sell HIGH!!! What should I do??? USERX ‘tHINK'... I'll just GO FISHIN!!! My account is down more than $200,000.00. Time to look at the charts to remind us where we may be. Looks to me like one of those… ‘Buying Opportunities'. Time fer a smile. Almost time fer… UP!!! SilverDragon * Gold -- Sharefin, 06:11:57 07/26/02 Fri Gold shares plunge 8% Johannesburg - Shares on the JSE Securities Exchange headed further south by midsession on Friday, led by heavyweight miners and gold shares as bullion sank to fresh 10-week lows and gloomy overseas markets cast a shadow. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:10:29 07/26/02 Fri Signs remain positive for gold despite sell down DESPITE the sudden plunge in gold prices this week, the precious metal should benefit from a softer US dollar and falling equity markets in the near term. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:08:45 07/26/02 Fri DRD ups profits, closes hedge Durban Roodepoort Deep (DRD), South Africa's fourth largest gold miner, produced marginally higher headline earnings for the quarter to June 30 and during the period closed out its $72.8 million hedge book. The closing out of DRD's hedge book will enable the miner to take advantage of the higher gold price but also position it as a choice for investors wanting direct exposure to the gold price. From now on DRD, will be directly exposed to the spot gold price and DRD is set to remain unhedged, Wellesley-Wood said. "Hedged positions belong to the Kama Sutra, not my book," he quipped. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:06:37 07/26/02 Fri Hedging helps lift Placer Dome to US$42M profit Placer Dome singled out a higher gold price and its hedging program as the key factors that boosted profit. The company said hedging contributed US$14-million to operating profit at its gold mines. That translated into a premium of US$21 an ounce over the average spot price for gold during the second quarter, which stood at US$313 an ounce. "We have one of the strongest balance sheets in the business, the best forward sales program in the industry and we continue to generate substantial profits. Any way you measure us, Placer Dome is adding value," Jay Taylor, company chief executive, said after the markets closed. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:04:34 07/26/02 Fri Philippines' gold output to dip as small miners are shut Gold output by small scale miners in the Philippines is set to fall in the next few years as the government moves to shut their operations down, an official at the Mines and Geosciences Bureau said Thursday. The official said the plan to remove small miners was not new, but was much overdue. The government plans to declare the Mindanao area, the small miners' main ground, a mineral reservation to protect the natural resources, he added. Earlier attempts to group the small scale miners under a unified entity ran into problems over mining concessions, which are held by the large mining companies, the official added. "These small scale miners have been physically occupying the areas for a long time, while the big mining companies own the legal rights. So it's very difficult to settle," he said. But the Philippines government is determined to stop the illegal mining by small players as they "don't pay taxes and cause pollution," the Mines and Geosciences Bureau official said. As a result, the Philippines' total annual gold output is expected to fall in the next few years. "Currently, there are only two active legal producing mines, Philex Mining's Padcal and Lepanto Consolidated Mining's Victoria. Philex Gold Philippines closed its Bulawan mine on Jul 15, 2202," the official added. During the March quarter, the small scale miners produced and sold to the central bank a total of 6,560dmt of gold, which was 74% of the country's total output for the period. It also exceeded the output of 2,286dmt from the three major producers. Gold -- Sharefin, 06:02:47 07/26/02 Fri Higher gold price lifts Harmony's reserves HARMONY said yesterday that its reserves base had risen 48%, lifted by the higher gold price. The bullion price, which has risen 11% this year, means that gold reserves that previously may not have not been economically viable to mine can now be included in the company's reserve and resources base. The company said the increase in ore reserves could in the main be attributed to the higher gold price and an overall improvement in Harmony's ore reserve quality through its acquisition of 50% of the Free Gold assets in SA and Hill 50 in Australia. Harmony carried out the assessment of its reserve base using a gold price of R95000 a kilogram or about US295/oz, leading to the rise in reserves at the company's financial yearend in June this year. SA's third-largest gold producer said that its resource base was now more than 295million ounces. Of this 49-million ounces was categorised as reserves. The increase compares with reported resources of 224-million ounces in Harmony's previous financial year. During that period 33-million ounces were considered as reserves. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:55:31 07/26/02 Fri Hedging hurts our share price: Barrick Barrick Gold Corp.'s chief executive admitted yesterday the miner's share price is being dragged down by its hedging program. But Randall Oliphant said the company has no plans to change its strategy and must do a better job explaining its scheme to investors. "We are not going to change our company in order to play to whatever way the winds happened to be blowing on the capital markets," he added. "It is our fundamental responsibility to ensure that we can ensure earnings and cash flow to our shareholders. Our job is to explain it better. We know it makes sense. But the market is being overly swayed by companies that don't like hedging ... [It] is holding us back." In its earnings release, Barrick said it reduced its hedging position by three million ounces in the second quarter, and is looking to reduce its position by a further one million ounces before year-end. Barrick is the world's No. 2 gold miner but the biggest hedger. The company, which will sell half its production this year through its hedging scheme, has been a lightning rod for criticism from those who believe hedging has kept the price of gold artificially low. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:51:50 07/26/02 Fri Rising rand to take shine off gold earnings After posting record-busting results in the early part of this year, some of the shine should come off South African gold miners in the June quarter after the rand bounced, analysts said yesterday. A plunge in the value of the local currency at the end of 2001 to a low of 13,85 against the dollar - and a rapidly escalating gold price at the start of this year - propelled profits at most bullion producers to record highs. But the rand, now trading close to ten to the dollar, has since clawed back most of its losses. This will mean less sparkly rises in headline earnings for the June quarter. "The biggest factors will be the better dollar gold price, rand strength and hedging," said Merrill Lynch's David Hall, referring to results to the three months ended June 2002. "We'll watch out for comments on why gold has come off (this week), and where it's headed going forward," Hall added. Gold -- Sharefin, 05:48:46 07/26/02 Fri Disappointing gold loses some friends The link between the gold price and stock market movements had blurred in this week's dramatic swings in global equities, raising doubts over gold's claim to be a safe haven asset, analysts said yesterday. --- Oh yea of little patience.....^o-o^... Inspections in US, European and Asian companies -- Wlavio, 00:02:47 07/26/02 Fri Inspections in US companies The companies, which will pass without complications: Cisco Systems, Inc., International Business Machines, Barrick Gold Corporation, IVAX CORP, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, Patterson Dental Company, Beazer Homes USA, Inc., Waste Mgmt Inc Del, Cendant Corp, Xerox Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Micron Technology Inc., Pulte Homes, Inc. and Furniture Brands International. The revision in Exxon Mobil Corp will cause revisions in many other companies. The inspections in Computer Sciences Corporation and Expeditors Int'l of WA will not have serious negative reflect upon their shares. The revisions in Teradyne, Inc., The Procter & Gamble Company and Fortune Brands, Inc. will shake their shares pretty well. Inspections in Nasdaq International Companies The inspections in Big Rock Brewery Ltd. (BEERF Canada), Decoma International, Inc. (DECAF Canada), Business Objects S.A. (BOBJ France), Alcatel (ALAO France), Coflexip (CXIPY France), iXOS Software AG (XOSY Germany), IONA Technologies PLC (IONA Ireland) and Crayfish Co., Ltd. (CRFH Japan) will bring them problems and affect upon their shares prices. BE Semiconductor Industries NV (BESI Netherlands), Triple P, N.V. (TPPP Netherlands), Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd. (CHRT Singapore), Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Limited (HSVLY South Africa) and Trend Micro Incorporated (TMIC Japan) - problems with no serious consequences. Ballard Power Systems, Inc. (BLDP Canada) - problems with a serious character. Tramford International, Ltd. c/o Jing Tai Indust (TRFDF British Virgin Islands)- problems, which will last for long time. Problems are also threatening Amcor Limited (AMCR Australia), but they will not affect upon the shares price. Progen Industries Limited (PGLAF Australia) and ChipMOS Technologies LTD. (IMOS Bermuda) will have problems with no big importance, though the Progen will collapse. The inspections in ASE Test, Limited (ASTSF Taiwan), Bright Station plc (BSTN United Kingdom) and Gemini Genomics plc (GMNI United Kingdom) will not reflect upon their shares prices. Inspections in German companies The companies, which pass the inspections quietly: CE CONSUMER ELECTRONIC AG, EM.TV & MERCHANDISING AG, FJA AG, LAMBDA PHYSIK AG, QIAGEN N.V, CO.DON AG and UNITED INTERNET AG. The revisions in DIALOG SEMICONDUCTOR PLC and GPC BIOTECH AG will have influence on their shares starting with December 2002 until beginning of a year 2003. The inspections in IXOS SOFTWARE AG, UMWELTKONT RENEWABLE ENERGY AG, CURASAN AG and NOVEMBER AG will have negative reflect upon their shares. Inspections and collapses of companies, listed in Singapore Exchange KINGBOARD COPPER FOIL HDGS LTD (SGX MAINBOARD, MFG), LAFE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (SGX MAINBOARD, MFG), LINDETEVES-JACOBERG LTD (SGX MAINBOARD, MFG), MEDIASTREAM LTD (SGX SESDAQ, SERVICES), MIRVAC GROUP (SGX Link, PROPERTIES), RAFFLES MEDICAL GROUP LTD (SGX MAINBOARD, SERVICES), WESTFIELD HOLDINGS (SGXLink, PROPERTIES), SING INVESTMENTS & FIN LTD F (SGX MAINBOARD, FINANCE), SINGA SA S$90M1.1%N021008S2 (SGX MAINBOARD, LOANS & DEBENTURES), UOB-KAY HIAN HOLDINGS LIMITED (SGX MAINBOARD, FINANCE), SINGASAS$9.33M1.125%N020926S18 (SGX MAINBOARD, LOANS & DEBENTURES) and , THAI PRIME FUND LTD (SGX MAINBOARD, FINANCE) - will be revised and they will be forced to end their activity. The companies and organizations which will collapse - MPH LIMITED (SGX MAINBOARD, COMMERCE), OSIM INTERNATIONAL LTD (SGX MAINBOARD, COMMERCE), PROV SUPPLIERS CORP LTD (SGX MAINBOARD, COMMERCE), RAFFLES LASALLE LIMITED (SGX SESDAQ, SERVICES), SAN TEH LTD W021015 (SGX MAINBOARD, LOANS & DEBENTURES), SANTAK HOLDINGS LIMITED (SGX SESDAQ, MFG), ZAGRO ASIA LIMITED (SGX MAINBOARD, MFG) and SUPERBOWL W020930 (SGX MAINBOARD, LOANS & DEBENTURES). Inspections in Osaka Securities Exchange The inspections in Ohtori Corporation and Okayamaken Freight Transportation CO., LTD will have negative reflect upon their shares. The shares of O-M Ltd., OKUMA & HOWA MACHINERY LTD. and Onamba Co., Ltd. will fall even without revisions. The problems are also threatening ONTSU Co., Ltd. Open Loop Inc. is being squeezed with the means of revision. The inspections in ORIENTAL CHAIN MFG. CO., LTD., PATLITE CORPORATION, Renown Incorporated, Rasa Industries, Ltd., ROYAL Co., Ltd., Sakai Moving Service Co., Ltd., SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED, SANTEN PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD., SECOM CO., LTD., SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., SHOFU INC., SOFTBANK FRONTIER SECURITIES CO., LTD., Subaru Enterprise Co., Ltd., SUMITOMO DENSETSU CO., LTD., Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd., TAKASAGO ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD., The Chugoku Electric Power Company Incorporated, The Daisan Bank, Ltd. and THE KAGAWA BANK, LTD. will have negative reflect upon their shares. TESAC CORPORATION, The San-in Godo Bank, Ltd., The Senshu Bank, Ltd., TIS Inc., TOKAI CARBON CO., LTD., Tokuyama Corporation, TOKYU CAR CORPORATION, TOYO BUSSAN Co., Ltd., TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, USHIO INC., YAMAZEN CORPORATION and ZETT CORPORATION will have problems with their shares after the inspections. Wlavio Gold -- Sharefin, 18:56:23 07/25/02 Thu Barrick Earns $59 Million In Second Quarter Second Quarter in Brief -- Net income totals $59 million, or 11 cents per share -- Production totals 1.35 million ounces of gold at $178 an ounce -- Cash and short-term investments increase to $916 million -- Hedge commitments decline by 3.1 million ounces - Further reductions expected in second half -- Alto Chicama resource estimate doubles to 7.3 million ounces of gold - further increase expected in second half of year - Discovery enhances Company's organic growth pipeline -- Higher production and lower costs expected in second half of year Based on US GAAP and expressed in US dollars. Gold -- Sharefin, 18:53:23 07/25/02 Thu Gold a better prospect as bears begin to growl I draw attention to this story for a couple of reasons. First, it illustrates that it is not only in stock markets that people pay ridiculous prices for crap, and where "value" is subjective and transient, but second, it shows what happens when conditions change and the ephemeral nature (and value) of the "asset" is exposed. A cynic should have canned some of Greenspan's bulldust about moving to new paradigms and new plateaus of productivity and his disbelief in bubbles, and floated the tins on the market. They would have soared to a tenfold premium on the first day of trading because that was what people wanted. That's the trouble with bulls; the more they take in (or are taken in) the more they have to get rid of, hence bull markets are littered with bulldust and bulldusters. The truth is, speculative bubbles, be they in property, shares, tulip bulbs, works of art or canned crap are, by definition excesses and following the bursting of the bubble there is always a period of (usually painful) purgatory in which the excesses of previous years are expunged, and this is never achieved without having a profound economic impact. It would be naive to believe that the biggest, wildest, most crazy stock market bubble of all time could be cured by just a few months of falling share prices. These are very uncertain times for securities and currency markets. A bear market rally seems overdue but I suspect when it does eventuate the army of "punters" brought up on "buy the dip" will convert to "sell the rally" and, once they have sold out, history suggests it will be a decade or more before they return to equity markets. I think a continued decline of the dollar is inevitable and that the safest haven for funds in these troubled times is the old barbarous relic: Gold. ![]() Gold's day in the sun delayed Believers see vast gains ahead for battered bullion Gold is misfiring as much as its polar opposite, the paper-lined stock market. Yet the metal's believers say gold's postponed gains will make future bullion rallies among the most powerful on record. Gold mining shares, and the metal, saw a steady flow of investor interest until early June, when bullion indexes hit their highest levels in almost three years. Reality hit hard. Gold mining shares lost 11 percent in a day earlier this week, then gained back 6 percent. Such large percentage moves usually come only once every four or five years. The good times were very good. Holders of gold mutual funds were sitting on gains of 80 percent and more for this year's first five months against steep losses for the overall stock market. Yet against the backdrop of the stock market's July swoon and a fading U.S. dollar, the rallies for gold and gold mining shares stopped in their tracks. Those convinced bullion would keep feeding off dollar weakness, Mideast turmoil and the flight from tainted corporate America are asking themselves what in gold's name happened. "I am somewhat perplexed by gold's moves of late. Lots of possibilities but none of them sound enough to say, 'This is what is going on,'" says Barry Cooper, precious metals analyst at CIBC World Markets in Toronto. Some point to hanky-panky on Wall Street as one reason for the gold selling this month. Wall Street critics say investment banks used large gold derivative positions to finance failed companies such as Enron. J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. (JPM: news, chart, profile), the largest issuer of gold derivatives in the United States, is at the center of such speculation. Others see banks, and the Wall Street community, being forced to raise money in order to cover their gaping losses from the plunging stock market. Thus, large banks are selling gold to meet their fiscal obligations. Or so the thinking goes. Gold, like many commodities, is often the subject of cloak-and-dagger talk. Yet few can pin down how, or why, an investment bank manipulates the metal in trading pits and on the global stage, where central banks own vast supplies of bullion. "As one would expect, there have been rumors galore of manipulation," says Adrian Day, a Maryland fund manager and editor of Global Analyst newsletter. "One might reasonably ask why today -- with stock markets collapsing, and the derivative problems of J.P. Morgan and Citibank (C: news, chart, profile) suddenly grabbing the headlines, why would anyone chose today to dump his gold? One cannot dismiss the possibility of official intervention in the gold market." Brien Lundin, editor of one of the oldest bullion publications, 31-year-old Gold Newsletter, also thinks governments might be meddling in the gold market, just as they do in currency trading. "On Monday, gold reached $324 -- and the Dow was in free-fall. Something had to be done and, over the next two days, the dollar soared and gold dropped like a dead duck. The intervention was obvious." Gold -- Sharefin, 18:14:30 07/25/02 Thu The most important gold chart Very simply it is a comparison between an investment hard asset and an investment currency. The chart is one massive base formation, a reverse head and shoulders bottom pattern. It heralds a major potential upside move on the chart. This would imply that the gold price is ultimately going to dramatically out perform the Swiss Franc. Why is that so important? Gold -- Sharefin, 18:05:35 07/25/02 Thu Gold: A Tale of Two Deficits One of the biggest risks in derivative contracts is that the counter-party does not or can't pay. This happened in the gold market and the Russian crisis. Of concern is that the amounts involved are now multiples of the capital of the lending institutions- no one is too big to fail. The Higher The Gold Price, The Bigger The Risks Now in a world where gold has ranged between $250 and $350 per ounce, the positions of the gold producers, central banks and the bullion banks were more or less in equilibrium. However, in a world of $350 plus gold price, there is a problem. First, the mark-to-market position of all gold producers today is underwater. At $350 plus, the balance sheets of many of the producers would be constrained. Of more significance, is the bullion banks' position since they holds the other side of the gold producers' position. There is no question that with abundant reserves, a gold producer can withstand many shocks. However, as we have seen following the Enron and WorldCom debacle, neither bullion banks nor the banking community are immune or too big to be caught in a massive short covering squeeze. And that is the problem with gold hedging, the higher the gold price, the bigger the risk for the gold bullion banks and, of course, the hedging market. …For The Bullion Banks But wait, it gets better. You can only buy a maximum four-year contract on the COMEX market. The gold bullion banks created new derivatives to generate more fees, extending this term, utilizing their own balance sheets. Barrick, for example has up to a fifteen-year facility with some twenty banks. Barrick and the bullion banks created "spot deferred contracts", which allowed the gold producer the right to defer its deliveries and corresponding forward price to the bullion bank for up to fifteen years. Therein lies the risk since the bullion bank is exposed. If Barrick decides to defer or if a particular central bank decides to call in its position with that bullion bank, due either to something like the Washington Agreement or as with the Dutch central bank, a desire to lower its risk in a volatile market, the bullion bank is exposed. …And The Producers In addition, since the gold industry wanted to take advantage of the time value of money, the bullion banks created even more exotic instruments. These new derivatives didn't require margin or exotic call strategies. After all, since the gold producers held abundant in ground reserves, their balance sheets would be good enough. In our last gold report "Gold: We've Only Just Begun" we showed most hedgers have hedged in excess of two years of production. It is our view that companies with hedges beyond a couple of year's production lose flexibility when the gold prices rises. (Table 1.) Newmont was the only senior gold producer with a hedge position of less than one year. It is our view that within a rising price environment, a "no hedge" position or a hedge position of less than one-year is good. And it gets even better. Recently, a portfolio manager at a major institution came under criticism because he suggested there was a gold conspiracy by the US Treasury, BIS, IMF, the central banks, JP Morgan and Citibank to suppress the price of gold. Whether or not there is indeed one, a relevant point is that the hedging business is a huge business. There are no definitive numbers as to how much is hedged. That portfolio manager alluded to an official position of perhaps 5,000-10,000 metric tonnes but it may be as high as 15,000 tonnes or 1/3 to ½ of all Central Bank holdings today. We believe at only 5,000 tonnes that in itself would represent more than two years mine supply. Consequently, the higher the gold price, the bigger the risk, for the gold producers who have hedged, for the bullion banks who have hedges and the Central Banks. Ironically, as Ashanti, Cambior, Long Term Capital Management and Enron have learned, hedges are not so perfect. Gold is a good thing to have. Fiat vs Gold -- Sharefin, 05:02:36 07/25/02 Thu If you want to listen to Ron Paul's interview from last night on the Tom O'Brien Show, tune in to: Ron Paul on Tiger Network ....and scroll across about 5/8ths of the RealPlayer audio scroll bar. Gold -- Sharefin, 20:32:51 07/24/02 Wed Prophesies of Mahendra Sharma I am not doing this because gold and silver prices are going down. I have already decided ten days ago. I cannot change my predictions because I saw GREAT RISE for gold and silver one year back after doing a detailed astrological research on gold. I saw a great up trend coming for gold, not for one month or year only but as I said for fifty-two years (52yrs). During this period small down turn will always come but the overall GOLD will higher and higher from US$ 400 to 1800 and above. As I predicted last week on 15th July 2002 that 19th July 2002 was very important for both gold and silver, if they closed higher (as we know they did) then a rise in prices is coming for 27 days. Yesterday on 23rd July 2002 we saw a drastic fall in gold and silver prices this is because currently Mars is in a very negative position for 20 days. In my book in gold section on page 39 last paragraph says "July 19 to July 25 2002, prices of GOLD will remain uncertain" As I predicted about Blue chip companies in USA and the World Stock Market falling this is already happening (in stock market section on page 36 says July 13 to September 8 2002 USA will experience political and economic instability, Financial market will remain very uncertain). Also as I predicted last week, the dollar is picking. I would like to clarify that in future if the World Stock Market and the Dollar rises it will not have any negative impact in gold and silver. Currently there is great manipulations taking place in the world to bring down the prices of GOLD but they will not succeed. Gold -- Sharefin, 20:28:39 07/24/02 Wed LBMA to go global The time has come for the London Bullion Market Association to share its trading expertise with the developing gold markets in India and China, says Simon Weeks, who has just taken over as chairman of the LBMA. "I see the LBMA being more international in outlook. It's a mature organisation and it is time we broadened our horizons and assisted the development of the global bullion market," he suggests when outlining some of his priorities for the Association in an interview with Miningweb. The LBMA is already broadening its base by permitting trading organisations that are active in the market but do not have a London office to become market making members. Weeks says this does not imply any slippage in the high standards that have helped to make London probably the most trusted bullion market in the world. One result of the change has been that Societe Generale recently became the first French bank to be an LBMA market maker. Gold -- Sharefin, 20:21:35 07/24/02 Wed Gold price mauls Aussie stocks The shock US$10-plus an ounce plummet in the gold price to about US$312-313/oz wreaked havoc on the Australian gold index today (Wednesday). It was the biggest one-day fall in the gold price in almost three years. With global equities markets in severe decline, especially in the US, the gold price was widely tipped to climb, but instead it tanked as the surprisingly stronger US dollar and long liquidation by hedge funds quashed any suggestion of the precious metal testing the early June high of US$331/oz. Gold prices soared to that two-and-a-half-year high due partly to the then softer US dollar, which made gold a more attractive investment using foreign currencies. But last night the US dollar did a Lazarus, posting its largest rise against the euro in 18 months and against the yen in four months. Despite the Dow Jones crashing to five-year lows and further deterioration of the Middle East crisis, there are signs gold investor fatigue and growing wariness of this volatile market have set in. Has gold's run run out of puff? The way major gold mining shares were belted on the ASX today seems to indicate a correction has taken hold. Meanwhile, the improved US dollar could quell demand from jewellery manufacturers and investors in Asia and Europe. According to leading Aussie gold analyst, Rob Brierley of Paterson Ord Minnett, hedge funds were closing out their short positions in the US dollar and long positions in gold, which triggered the plunge in the gold price and created a somewhat tenuous turnaround in the dollar's fortunes. It wasn't all doom and gloom, however. According to Leonard Kaplan, president of Prospector Asset Management, the onslaught on global markets was mainly driven by funds' margin selling to finance losses suffered on the equity markets as well as funds needing to book profits. He added that once the margin calls had been met and profits crystallised, those funds would probably return to the gold market as buyers, which would help the gold price to recover. Also there was evidence of physical traders buying at the metal's lower price levels in Asian markets today. Gold -- Sharefin, 20:08:27 07/24/02 Wed Golds in JHB bloodbath Massive sell orders ripped through the Johannesburg gold index in morning trade, sending the gold index more than 13 percent lower by lunchtime in Johannesburg. Traders said the fall in the gold stocks was precipitated by a resurgent dollar, which climbed against the Euro on a bout of short covering by speculators. In the main, analysts remained optimistic about the prospects for the sector, although their bullish calls to investors were more muted. One broker said investors should "hang tight" and wait for a bounce in gold shares. Another analyst, who declined to be named, said he would be "a nervous seller of gold shares in this market". Goodwin calls gold lower But one analyst who was less vague about the prospects of South African stocks was bull-turned-bear Nick Goodwin of SG Securities, who has been the lone voice calling for a sharp downturn in the index since the gold board hit 2,600 points earlier this year. The index peaked at 3,741 points last month before starting its current bear run. Goodwin says the index will hit 2,000 in the near term before staging a short-lived recovery. The gold index was trading at 2412 points at the time of writing. "It will pick up strongly tomorrow, maybe 6 percent or 8 percent, but then it's going to fall again," said Goodwin. He says the final bottom for the gold index will be around the 1,000 mark in a year to eighteen months. "Gold is for trading; that's where you make your money. When the index goes from 700 to 3,500 you have to sell," said Goodwin. He says although he does not base his equity analysis on gold price predictions, recent gold share valuations have been radically out of kilter with the gold price. He said the massive hike in gold stocks over the last year was pushed to stratospheric levels by "unprofessional trading" by rank amateurs who had taken bad advice. "You get all of these guys coming out of the woodwork buying gold shares for the first time. They have no idea how to value them," he said. He also adds that on a fundamental basis, the gold price has failed to rise in tandem with fall in the dollar, which has created an 'emperor's new clothes scenario'. He says with the dollar at parity to the Euro, conventional market wisdom dictated bullion should be at $360/oz. "But it's not at $360/oz because there are not enough people buying it, it's that simple," said Goodwin. ![]() Watch Bill Murphy & GATA on C-Span Gold -- Sharefin, 19:46:38 07/24/02 Wed Gold falters in late London trade as funds cut exposure Gold continued to falter in late trade, shedding its rises in the wake of stock market troubles, as funds reduced exposure to the metal, dealers said. Howard Patten, analyst at Barclays Capital said gold's dramatic fall "reflects the desire of fund buyers to reduce risk". The drop also serves to undermine the view that gold is a safe repository of value during times of financial crisis, he added. A significant portion of flows into gold since the start of July have been withdrawn, he said. "We expect that there is still liquidation to be done and our short-term target remains 310 usd/oz," he added. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:43:52 07/24/02 Wed Gold Prices to Move Above Recent Highs into 2003, CIBC Forecasts The price of gold will continue to rise, peaking at between $340 to $360 per ounce, CIBC World Markets predicted today in a report called A Time for Gold. "We believe that the 2002 run-up in gold prices is sustainable and that it has significantly further to go," says Bart Melek, senior economist and co-author of the report. "Only until confidence in the markets returns do we expect gold to retrace its path to a steady state of approximately $320 to $325 per ounce." A low US dollar, stable central bank sales, reduced hedging activity and a dwindling mine supply are the main factors behind this forecast. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:34:42 07/24/02 Wed Where is gold headed? Usually chartists have an answer for everything, but gold's sudden decline yesterday has confounded some of the country's leading technical analysts. Standard Bank's Kobus Kotze described bullion's $8 an ounce slide in a matter of hours as "totally out of trend" while Gregor Krall, his counterpart at NIB Securities, reckons there's more downside on route after gold effectively failed its safe haven stature. With global markets continuing to take a bath, market watchers had expected gold to benefit as a consequence. However, the metal has failed to follow the script and briefly slipped below $308 when US markets opened for trade today but has subsequently recovered to the $311 level. ------- When gold is moving up below the magical $330 number and the market movers know bad news & market action is about to happen the dunk slam it real good. Twice now they have made sure that gold won't broach $330 by slamming it the week before bad news breaks. Fiat -- Sharefin, 19:24:11 07/24/02 Wed U.S. dollar rebound wipes shine off gold Gold prices and stocks fell dramatically yesterday as the U.S. dollar rallied, belying -- at least temporarily -- the precious metal's reputation as a safe haven in turbulent times. "Now, gold players are finally feeling the pain of everybody else, which is very unusual," said John Ing, president of Toronto investment dealer Maison Placements Inc. "This tells us it's a liquidity-driven market." That move trigged heavy selling by index funds that follow the S&P 500, and compounded pressure on gold stocks as investors and fund managers raced to capture profits in recent weeks, said Frank Holmes, chief executive officer of U.S. Global Investors Inc., which manages two gold mutual funds in the United States. Gold "has become a source of liquidity, because it's the only thing that has held up well," Mr. Holmes said. He called yesterday's gold price swing a "classic correction" and predicted it will be short-lived, pointing to pressure on the U.S. dollar from a weak U.S. economy and deficit spending on security and other programs. "Whenever those two engines are in tandem, the currency falls and that's what we are seeing in the U.S. -- I think the volatility in the U.S. dollar is translating into the gold market, and at the same time, we're having a liquidity crisis in the stock market." A drop in the U.S. dollar usually signals a corresponding rise in gold prices. "In a quest for liquidity, funds are selling stocks, including gold, but I think fundamentals will prevail. I don't see much downside left in gold stocks or gold bullion," he said. Fiat -- Sharefin, 19:12:08 07/24/02 Wed J.P. Morgan CEO Says Bank's Finances Are Sound J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive William Harrison said a 41 percent plunge in the company's shares this month was unwarranted and the finances of the second- largest U.S. bank by assets are sound. ``We are very comfortable with the basic fundamentals of the company starting with our capital condition and our liquidity condition,'' Harrison said on a conference call with analysts and investors. Harrison's comments reassured investors who had worried about the bank's cash position and role in the bankruptcy of Enron Corp. The stock dropped to its lowest level since 1996 yesterday as U.S. Senate investigators said J.P. Morgan and its larger rival Citigroup Inc. helped the energy trader disguise loans to keep debt off its books, skirting securities laws and accounting rules. The banks' executives told a Senate subcommittee they had done nothing wrong. ``We acted properly and with integrity in all the Enron matters,'' Harrison said. ``We have not to our knowledge assisted Enron or any other company in misrepresenting facts about the financial conditions.'' The biggest trader of derivatives, J.P. Morgan also dismissed speculation that it may have to put up more money should the stock fall below a certain level. Derivatives are contracts whose value is derived from underlying securities or commodities. Harrison said he and Vice Chairman Marc Shapiro were buying the bank's shares because the price is ``very, very depressed.'' -------- Didn't LTCM, Enron, Global Crossing, et al all claim that they were financially sound prior to them crashing??? ![]() A Time For Gold - PDF file Unlike the rally following the Washington Agreement signed in late-1999, we believe the 2002 run-up in gold prices is sustainable and that it has further to go before it is over. While gold has already made substantive price gains this year, with prices breaking through the technically and psychologically important $320/oz. mark in mid-May, there are good fundamental reasons to believe that prices will move significantly above recent highs into 2003. A low U.S. dollar, stable central bank sales, reduced hedging activity and a dwindling mine supply are the main factors behind this conclusion. Since the U.S. capital market performance likely will remain weak throughout the third and fourth quarter of 2002, with corporate governance and earnings prospects putting a drag on valuations, foreign investors likely will avoid U.S. equities, bonds and the dollar. Short-term and long-term trends between gold and equities point to an inverse relationship between the two. A 17-year trend of month-over-month changes for gold and the S&P 500 shows the same inverse relationship in a different way. Gold equities and bullion itself have proven to be good counter-cyclical investments during bear markets in the past. Consequently, we believe gold is likely to peak at around $340/oz.-$360/oz. as 2002 unfolds, significantly above the current price of about $315/oz. As confidence and profitability return to the U.S. market, funds will again start flowing into bonds and stocks, lifting both U.S. valuations and the dollar. With relative investor demand declining, gold could reverse its trend and retrace its path to the low $300s, which reflects the cash costs associated with the highest-cost production. However, to assure continued investment and to prevent the deterioration of the industry's capital base for its high-cost producers, the gold price needs to be above $350/oz. Whether this occurs or not will depend on the supply/demand balance for physical gold over the long term and to what extent global mining capacity is being utilized. This, more or less, would be a reversion to the mean. However, there is always the fear that markets will over-react and adjust too much (although we don't support this view). In the event of an over-adjustment, gold could trade well above the $360/oz. mark, the very top of the global gold mining cash-cost curve. A sustainable trading level significantly above $360/oz. is certainly possible if the weak currency environment prompts a move away from the $25 trillion-$30 trillion global fixed income market into gold bullion. All of the gold in the world (some 140,000 tonnes has been produced in the past two millenniums) has a value of only $1.4 trillion. Much of this is considered unavailable and, thus, physical liquidity could be an issue if significant demand were to materialize. All Roads Lead to Gold The mountain of evidence for stronger gold prices is high. It has been many years since most of the aspects that can affect gold have been aligned as they are today. The fundamental rationale of supply and demand is meshing with global economic conditions. Even technical conditions seem right for a breakout in bullion. All of these matters have led to a change in sentiment for bullion from bearish to bullish. While it is difficult to measure the impact of sentiment on the market, clearly it can have the most dramatic effect, far exceeding those of other individual considerations. Choosing absolute limits on where gold will trade is not easy. We believe, however, that we have at least made the right call on the direction. ![]() Reality Time and the Real "C" Word Well, today we had our inevitable snap-back rally from--once again--monstrous short covering by the short hedge funds. (Note: With $1 trillion of buying power in a $10-trillion equity market, the magnitude of this reflex rally should not surprise anyone. In fact, with long-only mutual funds redeeming over $50 billion in stocks this year, hedge funds are on tap to control up to 15% of the equity in the market by the bear's end. Who has control of the market? It's not the mutual funds any longer. You have to understand this dramatic shift in the markets to long/short investment capital or you're going to get clocked.) That 10 out of 10 of the biggest days in the Dow happened in bear markets confirms the power of these short-seller melt-ups. These snappers, as we call them, are seductive and enticing. But I beg you, use this rally (especially if it has legs) the way professional investors will--to lighten up on TechWreck stocks and build the buying power you need to get REALLY rich buying great companies at the end of the bear market. Which of course is NOT today. THE WORD NO ONE WANTS TO SAY OUT LOUD I hate to say it, but it appears the world is in denial as to what is really happening here in our global financial markets. The media is fixated on "capitulation" as the "C" word. The word they cannot seem to use or intellectually deal with is "CRASH." My job is to analyze reality for our clients and subscribers from the mix of fact and fiction that is swirling like a cyclone right now. And the reality is that we have had a market crash over the last few weeks--and in dollar terms, the greatest ever. The reasons most don't recognize this is that they are looking for the one- to two-day 1,000-point drop. Even though most post-bubbles end with years of values withering away to truly become undervalued, be careful what you wish for. In fact, be VERY careful for what you wish for-- the facts are this thing could end ugly. Very ugly. Much uglier than we've already seen. HUNTING FOR BEAR AND OTHER TROUBLES What has happened in the last few days and weeks is the loading of ammunition into the metaphorical gun to take us into the final give-up, disgust and disinterest phase found in all of the 27 other financial asset bubbles since the 16th century that we have researched. Irrefutably, we are closing in on the four tipping points that could take us to Dow 6,000, Nasdaq 900 and 600 on the S&P 500 very quickly. And when these tipping points occur there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop them until they simply run out of downward steam. First, mutual funds have hit 1991 original capital levels (according to my friends at Bianco Research, who have figured out cash inflows into funds since 1988). My assumption is that most mutual fund investors are unwilling to risk THEIR money going 20%-50% lower. Buy-and-holders could rationalize risking "house money"--i.e. profits. But not Johnny's college money. We sit today at that tipping point of a runaway redemption spiral like the early '70s, Second, I think the chances are now greater than 50% that the Fed is going to have to act to stabilize this market, just like in '98 with LTCM hedge fund blow-up. In fact, I hear from the prime broker for my hedge fund that some major bets against bonds, the dollar and too long stocks have blown up some major hedge funds in the last few weeks. The hard-to-figure sell-off of gold stocks was the proof of this. Gold stocks had significant selling yesterday and today from hedge funds that HAD to sell their winning gold stocks to meet capital requirements. The problem is the Fed won't act with the Dow at 8,000 and the S&P 500 at 800. Remember "irrational optimism" was at Dow 6,300--so valuation hasn't gotten ridiculous yet. To me this means we need to see much, much lower prices before the Fed is forced to act. Technically, breaking 7,718 on Dow takes us to 7,468. Breaking 7,468 takes us to 6,500 levels. Next level from 6,500 is 5,000. The rumor that the Fed held a meeting yesterday was all hope, no substance. Sen. Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) said last night that he thinks it would be inappropriate, ineffective and a dangerous signal to the market if the Fed were to act now by lowering rates. I agree. It would do more harm than good to do it here. Shedding another 1,000 or 2,000 Dow points is a different story. Third, we have regulatory capital requirements kicking into to European insurance companies that are forcing those firms to raise capital levels through sales of stock. Because they own so much stock in big U.S. names, we are seeing BIG blocks of big cap stocks for sale AFTER the European markets close. This kind of forced selling has the ability to kill off the rest of the bubble because it feeds on itself. More selling means lower stock prices. Lower stock prices means lower capital. Lower capital means more selling to rebuild capital. With over $500 billion of U.S. stock owned by foreign insurance stockholders, we are at the tipping point of death-spiral selling that would be mandated by law. Fiat -- Sharefin, 18:41:22 07/24/02 Wed Worse than Recession ![]() ![]() A NEW GOLD RUSH? Riddle me this: Gold is ending an 18-year bear market as stocks end an 18-year bull market. The dollar is breaking down from a 10-year bull market--coincidence? Riding dis baby to da ‘TOP'!!! -- SilverDragon, 08:48:40 07/24/02 Wed My ‘Golden Basket' is so full it is overflowing. Can't dry the powder fast enough. Made the mistake of trading ‘in and out' of the ‘'87 Bull'. Not dis time!!! Buying, and buying, and buying, dis baby on every drop… Riding dis baby to da ‘TOP'!!! SilverDragon Goood Morning from Imperial Beach, California. -- SilverDragon, 06:45:40 07/24/02 Wed Anyone 'BUYING LOW'??? 'Think' time is 'running out fast'!!! SilverDragon CYCLIST -- BERNARD_BAROUK, 03:27:11 07/24/02 Wed That's all real cute, Cyclist, but I don't recall you being in on the recent bull market in gold stocks to begin with. Miss it all together? "update -- Cyclist, 09:44:27 07/23/02 Tue long term consolidation -- Cyclist, 06:06:14 04/10/02 Wed is at hand,where June gold might make it to 312 tops. HUI is due for a decline ,starting in earnest between end of June and second week of July.The low will be reached in December in the upper 60's. The place to be would be shorting the SPY for the duration. Aside of holding physical,goldstocks are not the place to be when the general market will commence its slide in May. A rebound is due in the gold stocks,Xau from 62 gold 308, the market is due for a rebound as well from 7200/7300.Oil looks for a decline from end of July on . Bank index 's intermediate support sits at 610/590 Liquidity is strapped on all fronts,The Dow will probably hit the 5000 support in November with the Duck going for the 500." Gold -- Sharefin, 19:31:30 07/23/02 Tue Gold stocks lose allure as haven in latest selloff - Ignoring bullion Gold and gold stocks are traditionally regarded as the safe haven investment in times of distressed markets, but shares in gold mining companies have failed to benefit from the recent stock meltdown. The weakness in gold stocks comes despite the fact that over the past three weeks, the price of gold bullion continues to press higher, closing yesterday at US$323 an ounce. At current levels, gold is 4% higher than its recent July 4 low and close to its multi-year US$328 high it hit on June 4. However, the rally has failed to inspire life in the listless shares of gold mining companies. Gold stocks and bullion started moving in opposite directions two months ago. Since its peak in late May, the index has fallen 24%. The price of bullion has remained unchanged over the same period. Earlier this year, the price of gold stocks and bullion moved in step. During the bullion rally up to early June, commodity prices rose by 18% while the gold subindex leaped by 60%. But Ms. Naudie said a sustained bullion rally that pushes the price past its previous highs could lift stocks with it. "If you see gold go through US$330 decisively, the stocks will break through, too," she said. "It's a technical barrier for bullion and kind of a psychological one on share prices." ![]() Is it 1964 all over again? Older investors who know a little bit about investing are feeling some déjà vu these days. That's because they're seeing interest rates at 4.7 percent, and it's dredging up memories of 1964. What it's specifically dredging up is this: The last time interest rates were this low gold was at the cusp of a 16-year bull market. This is important for a plainly straightforward reason: When interest rates are at historically low levels and are set to rise, gold usually is, too. Rising rates and soaring gold To understand the irrefutable relationship between rising interest rates, mounting inflation and higher gold, we need to take a quick look at history. You have to take a step back and look at all this. Patterns like this simply don't emerge every day. When they do, it's like knowing the winning lottery number a week before it's selected. What we do know is that interest rates really can't fall a whole lot further from where they now are. Given the reality of rising rates and the historical investor response to that, and given all the other promising signals, indicators, and technical signs that have showed up this past year, the likelihood of a prolonged gold bull market - exactly as originated in 1964 - seems very high. Maybe, 16 years from now, we won't see interest rates at 20 percent as in 1980. Or, who knows, maybe both interest and inflation rates will be even higher by then. Either way, though, it really doesn't matter that much - today, this is as naked a pattern for rising gold as naked gets. Your response should be obvious: You need to bet on history and take a welcome break from the insanity of Wall Street to build your own solid diversification in still-affordable gold today. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:22:03 07/23/02 Tue Gold falling, but don't panic...yet South African gold analysts believe the retreat from gold equities by investors seeking bargains among the debris of general equities is premature. JP Morgan's South African-based gold analyst James Wellsted, says the sell-off in local gold shares, which saw the JSE's gold index shed 7 percent today, presents a buying opportunity in what was widely regarded as a radically overvalued sector only a month ago. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:13:22 07/23/02 Tue HSBC keeps faith in gold stocks Investment bank HSBC released its eighth Senior Gold Book today (Tuesday) in which it sketches a bullish outlook for both bullion and gold equities. According to HSBC mining and precious metals analysts based in South Africa, the US and the UK, gold stocks still have 25 per cent upside to offer investors over the remainder of the year - it makes the call based on its own assumption of a gold price peaking at $350/oz by December. The group's gold research team's recommendation that clients take an overweight position in gold stocks relative to HSBC's own Global Mining Index is an extension of the same call it made in the January edition of its gold book. Since then, its gold index has gained 47 per cent. "This call has been accurate to date, and the question now - given the returns that have been achieved to date - is whether it is time to take profits or sit tight in hope of further gains. Although the shares have posted excellent gains, the outlook, however, remains positive," said HSBC. Gold -- Sharefin, 19:02:09 07/23/02 Tue Placer's bid in dire straits, Lihir backs out The continuing stockmarket carnage in New York has sent shares in Placer Dome spiralling southwards and placed its takeover bid for AurionGold in serious peril. Fiat -- Sharefin, 18:52:05 07/23/02 Tue Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Marketed Enron-Type Deals to Other Firms Citigroup Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, already facing scrutiny for devising allegedly deceptive transactions for Enron Corp., marketed similarly structured deals to a slew of other companies, Tuesday's Wall Street Journal reported, citing testimony that a senior congressional investigator will give at hearings that start today. "The evidence indicates that Enron would not have been able to engage in the extent of the accounting deception it did, involving billions of dollars, were it not for the active participation of major financial institutions," says a copy of the testimony. Banks such as J.P. Morgan and Citigroup were "willing to go along with and even expand upon Enron's activities." J.P. Morgan , in fact, had a "pitch book" to sell other companies on similar financing vehicles, according to a copy of the testimony. J.P. Morgan entered into similar transactions with seven other companies, while Citigroup shopped such deals around to as many as 14, with at least three entering into such relationships, the testimony says. The hearings will focus on a commodity-trading vehicle known as a prepay, in which a financier gives money in exchange for future delivery of a commodity such as gas, gold or oil. Such arrangements are common, but in the hands of Citigroup and J.P. Morgan , they became the building blocks for extremely complex transactions that Enron used to disguise debt as trades and create the appearance the company was generating cash, people familiar with the matter said. Email Chatter -- Sharefin, 18:39:55 07/23/02 Tue Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 15:28 Mooney* (@the POG manipulation and JPM) ID#357187: Copyright © 2002 Mooney*/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Many here today have asked for any kind of confirmation as to where the heavy selling in Gold initiated. OK. About 1:30 PM, while speaking with my commodity broker about the large drawdown in POG and POS, he chirps up, under no prompting on my part, 'OK, Steve, you know where all the commotion in the markets started from today? It was due to JP Morgan shorting Gold to protect the banks.' I said 'How can you KNOW who was putting on the fresh Gold shorts." And he replied that amongst the pros nothing stays secret for long and the entity who enters a massive long or short position is soon known by the traders in the pits ( and thus the brpkerage houses ) . So I continued to ask him, 'Were they lightening up a long position?' and you could almost hear him jumping off his seat. 'Oh no, they were already short, they just went more short to protect their interests.' At which point we both agreed that this strategy only work in the short term. His words, 'This type of action NEVER works in the long run.' In other words - It WILL blow up in their face. I bleed today too boys and girls - so I hop e that this ditty gives some hope... Fiat -- Sharefin, 18:27:20 07/23/02 Tue JP Morgan Chase hit on derivatives, Fed rumors 14:30 ET JP Morgan Chase hit on derivatives, Fed rumors (JPM) 20.48 -4.04: Stock is getting mauled today on a report in the Journal that JPM was involved in numerous Enron-like deals (7:01); however, we are also hearing rumors among traders that if JPM's stock falls or closes below a certain price (we're hearing $20 or $22), the co may be forced to unwind a number of derivative positions; in addition, we're hearing rumors that the Fed may hold an emergency meeting tonight to discuss such banking issues; of course, a degree of skepticism is warranted here (especially with the latter rumor), but chatter such as this is undeniably weighing on JPM and the bank group in general. ![]() Q & A with Jim Sinclair Question: What's your take on Morgan Chase? Answer: These guys (Morgan/Chase) have gone over the top on derivatives. They are compromised now for using derivative to convert loans to income. They also sell & construct the extreme risk bond insurance derivatives. They were involved with Enron's energy trading. You ask what is my take? Look at their chart, its long term Head and Shoulders formations reading as a possible bankruptcy situation. I would agree with the technical potential that they have severe exposure to a derivative melt down in many areas. Investigations like today usually start the unwinding process. Morgan/Chase are the major bears in the gold market that have pummeled gold repeatedly, even today. So far gold at $312 is holding again. The dollar rally that touch off gold selling is a short-term reaction from an over-sold dollar condition. Who knows, maybe Morgan/Chase is short term too? Regardless, I believe this gold market is real and long term. All bull markets start in an environment of total disbelief. Our gold bear market is 22 years old. Therefore this gold bull market is taking birth in the face of a Mt. Everest of disbelief. Even the bulls do not believe it. Well, I do, for what I know to be good reason. Regards, Jim ![]() The Gold Price is Performing Well! As we speak to gold advocates, we pick up a distinct dissatisfaction concerning the present level of the gold price. In their opinion, the price has not performed well in light of the present condition of the equities market. That would be a reasonable position were it not for the fact that gold rarely, if ever, leads the commodity market. Yes, the CRB Index has moved above its 200 week moving average, a bullish indication. However, it only JUST happened. That means that the commodities market is not yet accepted by the general investment public as bullish, nor is it, yet. For cost of production reasons and because of the expansion of monetary aggregates during a period where long-term attractiveness in equities is lacking, we firmly believe that commodity prices will continue to rise. ![]() Jim Sinclair Interview JIM: It may appear for some that we're in the eye of the storm -- where all around you, there are events circling around that are much bigger than where you are at the present moment. In 1977, when gold was at $150, you were projecting $900 an ounce. Given the events of today, as we speak, where do you see gold going. JAMES SINCLAIR: Well, you know, there's a saying that one shouldn't yell “fire” in a theater. I don't want to overexcite those that are involved in the gold market because it's, you know, there are a lot of people listening to us that may not be up to the risk. But having said that, I believe that gold is going to make a new high. I believe that gold will do what it always tries to do and that is balance the balance sheet of the United States of America. And, to balance the balance sheet of the United States of America today, gold would have to trade above $1,250 an ounce. Although I'm a trader and will make my transactions only on what the market tells me, and right now it hasn't even told me that it will try for the $330 again, I'll take it a step at a time -- $317…18…$329…30…$354…$380. But in my heart of hearts, what do I think technically is possible, assuming that everything I've said is correct, and I do assume that? $1,250 an ounce. update -- Cyclist, 09:44:27 07/23/02 Tue long term consolidation -- Cyclist, 06:06:14 04/10/02 Wed is at hand,where June gold might make it to 312 tops. HUI is due for a decline ,starting in earnest between end of June and second week of July.The low will be reached in December in the upper 60's. The place to be would be shorting the SPY for the duration. Aside of holding physical,goldstocks are not the place to be when the general market will commence its slide in May. A rebound is due in the gold stocks,Xau from 62 gold 308, the market is due for a rebound as well from 7200/7300.Oil looks for a decline from end of July on . Bank index 's intermediate support sits at 610/590 Liquidity is strapped on all fronts,The Dow will probably hit the 5000 support in November with the Duck going for the 500. Looking in my 'Golden Basket' -- SilverDragon, 07:52:09 07/23/02 Tue Just looking at a couple in my ‘Golden Basket'… Appears more interested in ‘Buying' than ‘Selling'. BGO DROOY only one third of the way ‘UP' the ‘Golden Mountain' -- SilverDragon, 07:17:45 07/23/02 Tue Slowman, Still think, the ‘COW', ‘DUCK', and ‘GOLDEN ONES', will all look better by ‘Christmas'. Still think, we are in the process of completing our ‘Major Golden Rest Stop'. Still think, this ‘Golden Bull', similar, but larger, than ‘1987'. Still think, we are only one third of the way ‘UP' the ‘Golden Mountain'. Still think, ‘XAU / 180'. Still think, ‘Gold / $1,000.00'. ‘BGO', ‘CDE', & ‘DROOY' are three favorites in my ‘Golden Basket'. Getting ready for da ‘GOLDEN RIDE'!!! SilverDragon Inflation -- Slowman, 05:34:01 07/23/02 Tue Sure hope they have the printing presses running in Texas. Should be ONE great year for us at tax time in April. Looks to me like the US will have little REVENUE comming in because of all the losses this year related to corporate and sheeple. My suggestion is buy physical the BGO,CDE,or DROOY. Thats where I put my hard earned cash. Do your own D D. Gold -- Sharefin, 00:02:35 07/23/02 Tue Gold could double, says top US trader The price of gold could double from its current level of about $320, depending on how the political crisis in the Middle East develops and the role the US plays in diffusing the tension, according to Joe DiNapoli, a well-known US trader and author. Gold -- Sharefin, 23:24:50 07/22/02 Mon SG to become a member of the London Gold Fixing SG, the corporate and investment banking arm of the Société Générale Group, is pleased to announce that it will become a member of the London Gold Market Fixing Limited and take a seat on the London Gold Fixing with effect from August 2002. SG will take up the seat made available by the withdrawal of Credit Suisse First Boston International. ![]() God, Gold, the Fed and Capitulation Gold -- Sharefin, 22:15:44 07/22/02 Mon Newcrest hedge book stifles earnings Newcrest's achieved Aussie gold price for the June quarter sunk to A$524 per ounce, well below the average Aussie spot price for the three-month period of A$567/oz, as foreign currency contracts stung the gold miner again as they did in the March quarter. Meanwhile, the company's realised gold price for 2001/02 of A$557/oz was only about A$5/oz above the average spot for the FY, without factoring in gold leasing rates and associated borrowing costs. It blamed accounting and forex timing issues for weighing down the received gold price. The total mark to market value of Newcrest's complex hedge position as at 30 June was about negative A$782.1 million, consisting of negative A$394 million for the gold book, negative A$302.1 million for the forex book and negative A$86 million for copper. Gold -- Sharefin, 22:13:51 07/22/02 Mon Gold excluded from Worldcom party An interesting addendum to this tail of stock market woe is contained in the humorous e-mail sent to Miningweb's office from a city gold analyst this morning. "If you had bought US$1 000 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth US$49. With Enron, you would have US$16.50 of the original US$1 000. With Worldcom, you would have less than US$5 left. If you had bought $1 000 worth of Budweiser (the beer, not the stock) one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle," said the e-mail. It may not be scrupulously correct, but it does make a good point. --- Now if the smart investor had instead bought physical he'd still have his three ounces and they would be worth more than he paid for them. He would also have no hangover and not have to worry about all the work involved in taking empty beer cans to the recycle factory hoping to make a few more dollars. What's more being a lunatic goldbug he'd daily fondle his gold and still be smiling. And of a night time he'd sleep well knowing his small stake would continue to grow. Now comes the question - should he dollar average into more physical gold or into stocks....... h.schultz & sinclair -- shell, 22:02:23 07/22/02 Mon anyone have access to their comments today at le metro? ![]() A Gold Cartel Aims at Destroying the Economies of Developing Countries Economic Factors or "International Conspiracy" Behind the Depressed Price of Gold? Translation from Al-Hayat, London, Friday, July 19, 2002 Al-Hayat is arguably the leading Arabic language newspaper in the world There is a storm in the money markets caused by the distribution of a report prepared by John Embry, a senior analyst with the Royal Bank of Canada, the largest bank in Canada. The storm, which spread rapidly south to the United States and as far as China, stemmed from the fact that Embry, in his report, supported the basic assumptions that have been promoted by a group known as GATA, short for the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. In essence, GATA has been promoting the notion that there is an international conspiracy to suppress the price of gold through dumping it in large quantities on world markets, and that this conspiracy is managed by a number of central and commercial banks. Although GATA, which was founded by Bill Murphy, has a large following, it has been depicted by its opponents as a marginal group promoting conspiracy theories -- until Embry's report, that is. For as soon as the report, which was made public by Murphy, came to light, the Royal Bank of Canada claimed that it was only an internal working document, and not the official position of the bank. However, Murphy was quick to point out publicly that the report was published on the official stationery of one of the bank's subsidiaries and was distributed to a number of its select clients. Embry himself declined to comment. So what's happening in the world of gold? Fiat -- Sharefin, 21:57:40 07/22/02 Mon Drudge Report Intentionally manipulated written record of dealings with Enron: Senior Citigroup credit officers misrepresented '99 transaction in records of deal; Enron could ignore accounting requirements and hide true financial condition, the NY TIMES is planning to report on Tuesday, say sources... MORE... 'The paperwork cannot reflect their agreement,' according to one e-mail message written by James F. Reilly, a senior Citigroup loan executive in Houston, 'as it would unfavorably alter the accounting'... MORE... WALL STREET JOURNAL: Citigroup Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., already facing scrutiny for devising allegedly deceptive transactions for Enron Corp., marketed similarly structured deals to a slew of other companies, according to testimony that a senior congressional investigator will give at hearings that start Tuesday. The names of the other companies weren't disclosed. DEVELOPING... Fiat -- Sharefin, 21:56:24 07/22/02 Mon Once again the archives have rolled over. For those who think the forum just vanished please look up to the top right hand corner and check under archives. Yesterdays posts are now listed under # 1 |

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