Goldbug Acronyms

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Goldbug Acronyms

Okay, here you go:

First some Kitco Favorites:

The symbol 8-^ ) is a complex smilicon which is read by turning the head to the left
so the 8 becomes eyes, the -^ becomes a nose and the ) becomes a mouth.

Some more smilicons:

8-^D     means big smile

8-^#     means a word prohibited by the moderator

%-^]    is a drunken goldbug

%-^{    is a drunken goldbug when the POG is going down

$-^D    is a goldbug when gold goes up to $340

$-^*     is the same goldbug when gold then falls to $250

8-^P    is a palladium bug sticking out his tongue at goldbugs

For the rest of the web:

('o')    somebody speaking

('o')/   somebody speaking and waving

(*o*)   somebody starry-eyed for some reason

('O')   somebody shouting

('O')/   somebody shouting and waving

(; ;)    somebody crying, but just a couple of teeny tears

(T.T)   somebody massively crying, as evidenced by the stream of tears running down their cheeks

('_')     a person kind of in a vanilla state of emotionlessness

('_';)     a person nervous about something as evidenced by the nervous sweat running down the side of their face

m(--)m  a person kneeling on the ground and bowing in an effort to apologize for something as evidenced by the closed eyes, and the head down at the same level as the hands (which are also on the ground)

(' -)      somebody winking at you

I(^o^)/  both hands in the air

('=')     a cyberkiss

('v')    somebody smiling (but I think it looks more like a person with a beak instead of a mouth)

p(^_^)q    somebody with that 'Never Say Never' spirit, as evidenced by the left and right hands rolled into fists and raised up to head-level in the 'Olympic Champion' pose

_('o')_    somebody offering to get/give a hug

AAMOF.................... As A Matter Of Fact

ADN.....................Any Day Now

AFK.....................Away From Keyboard

ARTUIT ............... Around to it

ASAP...................As Soon As Possible



ATK......................At the Keyboard

BAC.....................By Any Chance

BAK.....................Back At Keyboard

BBL.....................Be Back Later

BBS.....................Be Back Soon

BFN.....................By For Now

BRB.....................Be Right Back

BRB nc................Be Right Back Nature calls (brb nc)

BTW....................By The Way

C U L8TER...........See You Later

C U L8R...............See You Later

C YA....................See Ya

DW......................Da Wife or Dear wife,

DH.......................Dear Husband

DH............................Darling Husband

DH............................Darned Husband (depending on your mood!)

DH............................Demented Husband (depending on his mood!)

DIL.......................Daughter In Law

EOS.....................End Of Show

FAAK...................Falling Asleep At Keyboard

FIL.......................Father In Law

FWIW..................For What It's Worth

FYI.......................For Your Information

GMTA..................Great Minds Think Alike


HLOL...................Hysterically Laughing Out Loud

HLOLARAWCHAWMP.......Hysterically Laughing Out Loud And.Rolling Around While Clapping Hands And Wetting My Pants

HTH.....................Hope This Helps

IAE.......................In Any Event

IDK.......................I Don't Know/ I Didn't Know

IMHO....................In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO...............In My Not So Humble Opinion

IOW.....................In Other Words

IRL.......................In Real Life

ISRN....................I'll Stop Rambling Now

ITA.......................I Totally Agree


J/K......................Just Kidding

LOL.....................Laughing Out Loud

LOLOL.................Laughing Out Loud On Line

LSHMSH..............Laughing so hard my side hurts

LTNS...................Long Time No See

LUVYA.................Love Ya (you)

MYOB..................Mind Your Own Business

NRN.....................No Reply Necessary

OIC......................Oh I See

OTOH..................On The Other Hand

PC/PVT/MSG.......Private Chat/Messaging

POV....................Point Of View

PTSS...................Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

ROTF..................Rolling On The Floor

ROTFL................Rolling On The Floor Laughing

ROTFLMAO.........Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Anatomy Off

ROTFWTIME........Rolling On The Floor With Tears In My Eyes

RSN.....................Real Soon Now

SIL.......................Son In Law or (SoIL)

SIL............................Sister In Law or (SiIL)

SITD.....................Still In The Dark

SS........................So Sorry

TBD OOTD...........To Be Done, One Of These Days!

TPTB....................The Powers That Be

TTFN....................Ta Ta For Now

TTYL.....................Talk to you later

UFO......................Un-Finished Object  (a started project not yet done)

UPGS...................Unfinished Project Guilt Syndrome

VDH.....................Very Dear Husband (see also DH)

VDW....................Very Dear Wife

WB......................Write Back

WBS....................Write Back Soon

WPYS..................Who Pulled Your String

WTG....................Way To Go

YCGB...................You Can't Get Better


\_/ \_/....................Soda

(~~)? (~~)3...........Coffee mugs

(_)?......................Tea cups (fine china)

(~)........................Chilled cups of fresh juice

[%]D.....................Hot cocoa with mini marshmallows

(#$#$#$#$#$).........Plate of hash browns and onions

[:::] [:::].................Poptarts for all

(sgeg)===..............Pan of scrambled eggs




<3 <3 <3.................Hearts

@-->-->-- ...............A rose

())))___crayola___)))>.......Crayola Crayon


{{{a screen name here}}}..Personal Cyber hugs

{{{ }}}......................Lots of Hugs

:) ............................Smile or :o) ......with round nose

(:D) ..........................Big Grin


:O.............................REALLY Surprised

:D.............................Laughing/smiling :oD.....with nose

:+ or :o+.................Kiss

:* or :o*.................Whistle

;) or ;o)..................Wink

:x or :ox.................My lips are sealed


=)..............................Smiley face

:( or :o(...................Frown

:'( or :,( or :,o(........Crying

0:).............................Angel (Halo is a zero)


\o/ \o/ \o/...................Praising God

Pictures Using The ALT Button and Number Pad
(make sure the number lock button is activated)

Graphic.........Name..........Keys to press "," is a separator

ô¿ô.............Face............Alt+147, Alt+168, Alt+147

â¿â.............Face.............Alt+131, Alt+168, Alt+131

~¿ô............Wink.............Alt+638, Alt+168, Alt+147

~¿~............Sleeping........Alt+638, Alt+168, Alt+638

:Þ...............Sticking Tongue out...... :, Alt+0222


++............Crosses......... + Alt+0134 +

§§(^o^)§§..Bozo The Clown...Alt 789 twice ( ^ o ^ ) Alt 789 twice

¦:)..............Face w/eyebrows..Alt+1478, :, )

®®®®®..............roles or Rolads

(§)(§)(§)(§)..........Raspberry frosted sugar cookies



(#)(#)(#)(#)..........Peanut Butter Cookies

@@@@.............Cinnamon rolls

c[_] c[_] mugs

|S| |D| |P| |7| |C| |M| |G|.......various sodas

c[_]~................mug with tea back tag sticking hot tea

¤[_])...................another tea mug

[_])..................and another

[__]D..................soup mug or really big coffee mug

[_])[_]) mugs

(_)D(_)D.............more coffee mugs

(_)/ £(_)/ and tea pots

(|_/ ([_]).............cream and sugar

<%)<%)<%)......pepperoni pizza

\/ \ooooo/ \*****/....fudge, Swedish meatballs and popcorn.

8=8 8=8 8=8 8=8.....Doggie treats.

~<] [>~...................hersies kisses

<%)<#)<%)<$)<§)...various pizzas


\%*#/......................chex mix

|====|....................Cheese cake

(O ) (O ) (O ) (O )....deviled eggs

^<**>^ ^<**>^......Crabs

^j^.........................Angel in breeze

^^i^^.....................Mature angel

^i^.........................Little angel

ci^.........................Pregnant Angel

\o/\o/\o/...................hands raised together in praise

^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^...........Hedge of angels

======{[@]} belt

{@}.........................Fluffy punt pillow

(o)_____..................Duct Tape "Riiiiiippppppppp"


¤[_])|_|?[_]D............tea, coffee and hot choco

\ßßßßß/regular or ( ))))))))))) Pringles \~~/ ............chips n dip

\^<**>^/..................crab salad

----o--o--o--o-(|==0 --o--o-Q-o--o-Q-o--(|==0............shiskabob

[**]D [**] cocoa with star mini-marshmallows :)

:o#).........................Man with moustache

}:> ..........................Devil

:oP or :-P................Sticking out tongue


<:3 )~ .....................mouse

c[[]] ........................Pint of beer

(_8(|)........................Homer Simpson

@@@@8(|).............Marge Simpson


<vbg>......................Very Big Grin


<eg>........................Evil Grin

<wg>.......................Wicked Grin

<--------....................Referring to yourself

<~~~~~....................Referring to yourself >>

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