Tag - Market Timing

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Tuesday, December 11 2018

Where are we now in the investor cycle?

So where would you put us now in the investor cycle depicted in the chart below?

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Thursday, November 15 2018

Gold And Silver Stocks Are Literally Cheaper Than Dirt!

Watch as Jeff Clark discusses the impact the world economy has on gold and silver prices and gives his top stock picks.

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Wednesday, November 14 2018

At Some Point the Whole Thing Blows Up

The interview gets interesting (gold) starting at 21 minutes & running through to the end.

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Tuesday, November 13 2018

A surprise jump in investor and central bank gold demand

At the recent London Bullion Market Association annual conference, the consensus opinion on the gold price for 2019 among 682 industry delegates was $1532 per ounce. The LBMA offers its opinion annually and it usually falls on the conservative side of the ledger. So its consensus opinion of an average price more than 25% higher than the trading range at the time came as a surprise.

“This is the most bullish forecast since 2012,”

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Saturday, November 3 2018

4 potential reasons for the gold rally

Interestingly, gold, largely left for dead, has rallied. Not only has gold bounced, but it has done so despite a steady dollar. Which raises the question: Why is gold rallying now? Here are four potential reasons:

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And then there was the outlandish forecast by the delegates predicting at 25% increase in the gold price in 12 months to $1532 - either this was a conference operating in two parallel universes, where delegates were deeply bullish and speakers bearish - or an effect of voting anonymously meant that delegates put in super-high figures for sheer devilment - either way, there was a disconnect… or as you might put it, an incoherency.

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Thursday, November 1 2018

G&PM Investment Commentary

Gold is a unique asset class due to its uncorrelated nature and its ability historically to perform well amidst global financial and geopolitical turmoil. We think of it as financial insurance. Like health or auto insurance, a small allocation can go a long way when hardship occurs.

While it was disappointing to see gold fall below $1,200 per ounce, even though we expected it too and forecasted this in our prior commentaries, current extreme positioning (also characteristic of the lows in 2001) suggests the price will not remain at these levels for too long.

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Wednesday, October 31 2018

Gold industry sees prices rising to $1,532/oz over 12 months

The price of gold is expected to rise to $1,532 an ounce by October next year, delegates to the London Bullion Market Association’s annual gathering predicted on Tuesday.

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Saturday, October 20 2018

Financial Extremes

If you do not own gold, there is no sensible reason other than you do not know history, or you do not know the economics of it..........over long periods of time the price of gold approximates the total amount of money in circulation divided by the gold stock.

Ray Dalio, 2015.

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Wednesday, October 17 2018

IMF report highlights gold's relevance

Last week stocks were hammered, and gold acted as a key flight-to-safety asset in the market. Initially, as the US market retreated, gold held steady. But as the sell-off became more systemic globally, gold began to rally meaningfully

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Wednesday, October 10 2018

Nobel laureate says current stock market echoes 1929

Hussman recommends “humble cash” as the best option “because it offers opportunity to respond to deep market losses.” We would refine that a bit. Green cash is a good option under the circumstances Hussman describes. Gold cash is even better. Inflation could become an issue. If it does, gold can do things for you that green cash cannot – like appreciate, rather than depreciate, in value. The inflation does not have to rise to the level summarized in our accompanying photograph either. Historically, gold has proven to be a solid hedge against even comparatively minor doses of currency depreciation.

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Saturday, September 29 2018

Gold's Bottom Could Be Investors' Lost Treasure

Get ready, gold bulls: The precious metal could be close to finding a bottom.

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Monday, September 24 2018

Gold Has Been Behaving Strangely, Here’s Why

Lately, gold has been "sticky" upwards, shrugging off dollar declines but has dropped dramatically whenever the dollar rises even a little bit.

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Bank of America Sees Gold Soaring Above $1,300 on Fiscal Deficit

Gold is set to surge over the next year as concerns deepen about the widening U.S. budget deficit and a tariff-driven trade war starts to damage the country’s economy, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

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Saturday, September 22 2018

Sprott Gold Report: Physical Matters

The message COMEX shorts are about to receive is that gold buyers in India, China, Russia and Turkey don’t care much about the Fed’s dot plot or Q3 GDP. As we await rebirth of western investment demand in gold markets, we suspect an imminent clash between hyper-bearish COMEX spec positioning and staunch global physical demand is about to ignite some short-term pyrotechnics. This should be interesting to watch.

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Wednesday, September 19 2018

Crescat: The Hamstrung Fed, Gold, & The Bursting Of China's "Mother Of All Credit Bubbles"

Gold is cheapest ever in history compared to the global fiat monetary base as we recently showed.

Therefore, if we could own just one asset class to hedge against ultimately rising inflation as record financial asset bubbles are bursting, it’s precious metals

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Thursday, September 13 2018

U.S. Dollar and Gold: Is This Time Different?

In other words, gold has become cheap (and undeservingly so) – which might be painful for those currently holding gold but offers an excellent opportunity for those who want to build up their gold positions. In any case, it appears that we are right in the middle of a situation in which market prices do not reflect ‘true values’: The stock market seems to be expensive, and gold is too cheap. And history taught us that over- and undervaluations will be corrected over time.

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Sunday, September 2 2018

The Beginning of the End?

Many emerging market currencies are collapsing. John Rubino says these crises have the potential to spread across the globe, and could lead to the ultimate demise of the U.S. Dollar. Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, and Pakistan all have currencies that are in crisis. These currency crises could be the catalyst for the crash of the U.S. Dollar. How can people protect themselves? John Rubino says safety is found in physical precious metals. He explains why gold and silver may be set up for a spike in the next six months.

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Crashing currency chaos spreads across the Global South

It’s no wonder that Russia, China, Turkey, Iran – nearly every major regional player invested in Eurasia integration – is buying gold with the aim of progressively getting out of US dollar hegemony. As JP Morgan himself coined it over a century ago, “Gold is money. All else is credit.”

Every currency war though is not about gold; it’s about the US dollar. Yet the US dollar now is like an inscrutable visitor from outer space, dependent on massive leverage; a galaxy of dodgy derivatives; the QE printing scheme; and gold not being awarded its true importance.

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Saturday, September 1 2018

Before This Is Over, Gold Might Turn Into A Bubble

So with the tough summer it's been for gold gem I know you've said in the past many times that you buy when gold is down. Was that a good time for you.

Not yet. I'm still waiting for Bell from 950 or some 950U.S. dollars an ounce or something like that. It may not get there if it doesn't. It's ok I'll own a lot of gold but that's not what I plan to do Daniela. If it gets there I hope I'm smart enough and brave enough to buy a lot of gold because before this is over before this is over any gold is going to turn into a very overpriced asset. It might even turn into a bubble.

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