Sweden's gold

The Riksbank's gold reserve is stored with the central banks in the United Kingdom (the Bank of England), Canada (the Bank of Canada), the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Switzerland (the Swiss National Bank) and at the Riksbank. This is revealed in new information on the Riksbank's gold and foreign currency reserve. The Riksbank's gold reserve amounts to 125.7 tonnes, which is equivalent to around SEK 37 billion.

The Riksbank has held discussions with the central banks in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and Switzerland about being able to go release information on where the Riksbank's gold is stored. Information on the Riksbank's holdings of gold and their value has been public for a long time, but for reasons of confidentiality no information has been given on where the gold is stored. The Riksbank's gold reserve currently amounts to 125.7 tonnes, which is equivalent to around 10,000 gold bars. The market value of the gold was SEK 37.3 billion on 31 August. The total value of the Riksbank's gold and foreign currency reserve amounts to the equivalent of SEK 409 billion. This is where the gold is stored:

Bank of England 61.4 tonnes (48.8%) Bank of Canada 33.2 tonnes (26.4%) Federal Reserve Bank of New York 13.2 tonnes (10.5%) Swiss National Bank 2.8 tonnes (2.2%) Sveriges Riksbank 15.1 tonnes (12.0%)

The Riksbank's gold is stored here