Goode insights on China gold

Gold cannot be sold "short" (jailable offence since last year/2014). He sees the price downside as being limited as China wants its mines to keep producing gold and at 30% of China's gold mines are uneconomic, and at 50% of China's gold mines are uneconomic – yet the mines keep producing regardless. He comments further that uneconomic mines are still kept going, but in this case it may provide subsidies and /or pay the workforce in staple food rather than cash so the workers can continue to feed their families, but if the mines become profitable again the workers would receive backpay. The Chinese gold price expectation was seen as being in the range of US$1050 to US$1400/oz in 2016. The recent falls are seen by Goode as a retest of Comex vs Shanghai as in who does control the gold price. Gold was not expected to go down to $1000 given China’s ultimate financial power as being able to set a gold price bottom through utilisation of its enormous foreign currency reserves.

Goode insights on China gold