The Brink of Economic Collapse? How Did This Happen?

As I have written before, the recent launch of the Shanghai Gold Fix—two daily gold fixes based entirely on demand and supply impacting real metal in real time—suggests that, with the will and the right tools, it is indeed possible to pull the world economy back from the brink that our alleged “betters” have taken it to.

For almost a century, the gold pits in London and New York had been based on little more than wishful thinking, vicious bullying, collusion, cronyism, and rampant greed.

History, I suggest, will show that the emergence of the SGE in early 2016 will ultimately bring the precious metals markets back to reality and undo literally one hundred years of damage in—I am guessing—36 months or less. So, the lesson here is that it can be done—if people want it done and are prepared to actually do it.

The Brink of Economic Collapse? How Did This Happen?