A Paper Gold Rally - Physical Yet To Engage

So what has changed. There is growing perception in the West that Cental Banks may indeed be fallible and that the Keynesian experiment may have run its course - in short, the desire for sound money and by extension a growing concern about the increase in debt to resolve financial crisis is gaining currency. If fear is back in vogue then arguably it may less of a sustainable position then the motivation of many Eastern buyers which is simply as long term store of value.

For gold to see a sustained rally it needs to fire on more than one cylinder and physical players need to join the party. This in turn would put bullion onto the radar of institutional investors who are yet to be convinced that it really is an alternative to more traditional asset classes. This could then bring about the price elasticity - or buying on higher prices - that typified the last bull run. Or equally perhaps physical buyers do not turn up to the party in which case the speculators - sometimes described as behaving like 11 year olds high on e-numbers - could get bored and as easily reverse their positions.

A Paper Gold Rally - Physical Yet To Engage