Rothschild emerges from the shadows for the Centenary of the London Gold Fixing
By GCRU Gold News on Monday, September 16 2019, 07:28 - Permalink
As the great and the good of the London Gold Market raise a toast to the centenary of the Gold Fixing this September, while lauding the ‘new’ LBMA Gold Price, it would be well to keep in mind the old phrase ‘you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig’.
The LBMA recently
that “it took 89 years for the gold price to break through the $1,000 barrier, reaching a new all-time high of $1,023.50 on 17 March 2008“, to which we have the question what would the gold price be now in the absence of the London Gold Fixings and the LBMA Gold Price?